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Comment Re:Considering sub queries in IN statements. (Score 5, Informative) 168

You're probably right, but that's not what this release is referring to. The NDBCLUSTER engine separates "API" nodes from Data nodes. A server running MySQL with NDBCLUSTER enabled is considered an API node, but you can also have a C++ or Java or whatever API node that isn't MySQL. Data nodes are provisioned in one or more "node groups" with one or more data nodes in each group, though it would be dumb to have a single node group or a single node in a node group. Each node group splits the data somehow. You can force tables to exist on just one group, but by default if you have three node groups you would have approximately a third of your data in each group.

Anyway -- prior to NDBCLUSTER 7.2 if you performed any join whatsoever the API node had to pull the complete tables from all data node groups prior to doing the join on itself and returning the result. This made join performance, simply put -- terrible. I've tested the same query on a standalone out of the box mysql server against a 7.1 cluster and had an 8 second query come back from the cluster in several minutes due to the join performance.

NDBCLUSTER 7.2 adds what was called "push down joins" in development -- basically the data nodes now do the joins within their own sub-sets of the data for certain joins resulting in a dramatic improvement in performance, since now the API nodes just get the result from the network instead of the entire dataset.

It really is an amazing improvement and is a result of the dynamic capabilities of MySQL. NDBCLUSTER was never designed for the type of data people are throwing at it, and with the recent improvements it might actually be viable for use on production web sites for more common usage scenarios.

What I do not see addressed yet with 7.2 is the reload time -- if you have a cluster loaded with several GB of data it can take upwards of 20 minutes to reload the data and indices across the cluster. While the cluster is designed to be up 24x7 (even through upgrades), a single bug or memory error that takes it down can result in a prolonged outage. There are several of these open in the bug tracker.

Comment Re:Compared to what? (Score 4, Insightful) 226

Android is free and newer versions tend to not only work better but provide more features. Windows upgrades tend to consume more resources and generally introduce new bugs. It's not really fair to compare the two. That being said, it would be a completely different story if your new PC came with the promise that newer versions of windows would be made available at no charge over your existing internet connection. Why shouldn't you be upset when a new version is released and months go by without your upgrade coming through?

Comment O RLY? (Score 1) 232

The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet

Honestly, they're lying from the get go on this. Haven't we established without a doubt that there is life outside of Earth in our own solar system, in the very least, with one celled organisms?

All they had to do was say "no evidence of intelligent life" and they would be good to go.

Comment Re:Inspiring.... (Score 0, Redundant) 317

Wow, I already knew that people on Slashdot had a very tenuous understanding on economic or scientific topics, but damn, most of you have an awfully tenuous grasp of statistics too! ...If it should, then it's not for the reasons you're thinking of.

Perhaps you could enlighten us with your genius. God forbid anyone has an opinion who doesn't have a PhD, right?

If you open your eyes and ears, some of the best ideas can come from people who sound like they don't know what they are talking about. No, I'm not going to go looking for examples for you, but I've seen enough idiots with advanced degrees on the news and the internet to realize it's prudent to listen to people who have something to say and not judge so quickly.

Yes, I responded with enough haste that I didn't stop to think of everyone who would be offended by my lack of statistics training. My sincerest apologies.

Comment Re:Inspiring.... (Score 0, Redundant) 317

I was thinking the same thing. If they weren't tracking and testing all sexual partners I do not understand how they could come up with any statistically valid result. It seems that they are making a lot of assumptions as to the common behavior of all of the subjects. Considering how small of a percentage actually became infected (51 out of 8000 is about half a percent), I don't see how any assumptions could "even out" with the sample pool.

This news is certainly exciting, but IMO it should be taken with a grain of salt.

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