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Comment still counts as rechargeable to me (Score 1) 363

I still consider it rechargeable due to the fact the the main input in remanufacturing is electricity, and that there are basically no toxic chemicals released during the remanufacturing process.

The fact that it can't be recharged *at home* doesn't change the fact that to a first approximation you put in electricity and get back a charged battery.

Comment I rented for years, it worked fine. (Score 1) 363

I lived and worked in Ottawa (Canada) for five years without owning a car. I rented a car fairly frequently on weekends, and when needed I rented a pickup truck, cargo van, cube van, etc.

It worked really well. I took the bike or bus to work and to downtown most of the time. When I needed a vehicle, I rented one. My rental costs were *far* less than it would have cost to license a vehicle and pay insurance on it, much less buying/leasing one.

Now I've got two kids and live in the prairies. Public transit sucks, so I own a smallish car. But I've still rented a van for a long trip with relatives.

Comment is it actually wrong to remove them? (Score 1) 490

If someone is considering offing themselves, it might be simpler to take their gun and blow their head off instead of trying to hang themselves, jump off a building/bridge, slice their wrists, etc.

To the person doing the act, shooting themselves in the head is probably going to seem less painful and more convenient then most other options.

If that's the case, then removing the gun might reduce the chances of actually carrying through on a suicide attempt.

Comment who decides who is responsible enough? (Score 1) 490

Thus you have your choice: bad guys armed and good guys disarmed, or everybody armed. I'll take the latter, thank you. Statistics show that ordinary citizens are not likely to misuse firearms, and do in fact use them to stop crime (often without anyone being hurt; bad guys would rather surrender and have the police take them away, than be shot).

How would you propose to decide who is responsible enough to own a firearm? Can crazy people own them? What about clinically depressed people? What about people under psychological treatment generally? At what age should someone be able to carry a firearm? Should they be allowed in all buildings? Should businesses be allowed to deny entrance to people carrying weapons? What about on a plane/train/bus/etc.?

Comment fullscreen? (Score 1) 207

The only advantage I can see would be that you could "fullscreen" the app within the virtual monitor area.

Some apps (media players, for example) behave differently when run fullscreen vs within a window. The "virtual monitor" window manager would let you trick the app into thinking it was running fullscreen.

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One of the chief duties of the mathematician in acting as an advisor... is to discourage... from expecting too much from mathematics. -- N. Wiener
