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Comment Re:Nope they are clever (Score 1) 336

Exactly what strategic cleverness does it take to release something that many other people already have, where your success is based on you being the biggest company in the room?

It's just enough to keep their loyal customers and make more money from them. They know most of their customers prefer new things simplified before being added. That's how Apple does it. It isn't for everyone (including me) but it works for them.

Comment Re:Whiners (Score 1) 610

Spoken like a loyal subject.

The issue isn't how easy it is to undo it. The issue is that you have to take action at all. Apple is taking advantage of a default setting in a way the user never thought it was intended.

You sound just like some of the people in the early days of the spam wars "just delete it". Everyone knows that doesn't work and the problem only gets worse in the long run.

Comment Re:911 was down for us Friday night (Score 4, Insightful) 610

"More importantly everybody knows Mac OS X needs multiple gigabytes free as memory swap space on it's startup disk. The general recommendation is 15% of the drive"

Emphasis mine

They may be lying but you are also being dishonest claiming that EVERYONE knows OS X needs 15% free space. I'm sure the number of people that know it is much closer to "No one" than "Everyone"

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