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Comment Digital (Score 2) 111

MasterCard writes:

Consumers have no recourse if a digital currency loses its value or if the digital currency system fails.

Consumers have no recourse if a national currency fails either.

Also, national currencies are mostly digital nowadays. MasterCard themselves do nothing but digital transactions.

Comment Friendly AI (Score 1) 574

Has Hawking not heard of Friendly AI? Strong AI is ridiculously dangerous if you don't give it a proper goal system. It will be invented sooner or later, assuming humanity doesn't destroy itself first. Therefore, we're better off trying to find ways to make it friendly, rather than trying to stop its development.

Comment Distributed everything (Score 1) 269

For every website where users can upload data, it needs to be distributed.

Slashdot, Github, Google*, all the forums, large and small, you name it.

They're all controlled by relatively few people, and subject to censorship, hardware failure and human madness.

Upside of the centralized system is (usually) fast speeds and comparatively easy maintenance and development.

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