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Comment These things are like water! (Score 2) 149

Back in the mid 90s, I worked at a company that built protocol analyzers. During lunch break we would sometimes play Descent (2?). One day, a couple of us took a protocol analyzer and figured out which packet to push into the network to cause more mega missiles to appear (normally, there was only one or two in existence at a time).

When we played at lunch that day, we had a hilarious time when the biggest super weapon in the game became the primary weapon. Once the other players figured it out it became a grab/shoot/die fest.

One of the guys we pulled this on afterwords: "I picked up one mega missile and was like 'cool' then I got another, and another and another then I thought 'Holy Crap! These things are like water!"

Good times. Now, get back to work.

Comment Re:Why make it complicated? (Score 1) 366

"we here in Germany any many other European countries have some notion left that sometimes, the weak and needy need to be protected and helped."
Umm... The US has welfare, medicaid, medicare, and social security as well as unemployment insurance. While not perfect it does provide some protection for those most in need.

Comment Re:the establishment really does not like competit (Score 1) 366

" I can't help feel that its the established players who want to kill any newcoming competition. that - in itself - really annoys me."
In this case the established players have to pay a lot fees and follow a lot of expensive rules.
It would be like a car company that refused to do emission and crash testing.
The cars might be as safe as any on the street but...

Comment Re:well.. (Score 1) 760

Let me give you an example.
We have a speed pass exit near my home for a toll road. If you do not have a speed pass and use a camera takes a shot of your plate and the first two times you have to pay $10 after that it is $100.
But I often see a police car sitting there to catch people, why? They get to write a $100 ticket...
Does this make anyone safer?

Comment Re:well.. (Score 5, Interesting) 760

I do.
15 mph over the speed limit gets you a multiplier of 12

The problem is fines are supposed to be for the encouragement of safe driving. It is not supposed to be a way to generate revenue.
Change that multiplier to 1 and you may have something.
Also this?
"After all, wealthier people have been shown to drive more recklessly than those who make less money. For example Steve Jobs was known to park in handicapped spots and drive around without license plates."
Let me explain this to you. Reckless means an action that puts people in danger.
Driving without a license plate and or parking in a handicapped spot does not put people into danger.
It may be rude or even morally wrong but it is putting anyone in danger so it not reckless.
BTW I have not had a speeding ticket in over a decade and I do not park in handicapped spots but the use of law enforcement for generating revenue is a terrible trend and needs to be stopped.
If you want to do fines right IMHO the first fine in a year should be 1 day the second 10 days and third 50 days and the fourth 100 days.

Comment Re:/. is not kickstarter (Score 1) 287

1. It is an article about a problem. At no time did he ask for individual donations.
2. NTP is important like SSL is important to the internet in general.

You are not saying anything that helps solve a real problem or contributing to the discourse. So since you commented how would you solve the issue of providing resources for the development of NTP?

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