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Comment Re:Key Point Missing (Score 2) 34

The summary misses a key point. Yes they scan and store the entire book, but they are _NOT_ making the entire book available to everyone. For the most part they are just making it searchable.

Agreed that it's not in the summary, but as you correctly note, it's just a "summary". Anyone who reads the underlying blog post will read this among the facts on which the court based its opinion: "The public was allowed to search by keyword. The search results showed only the page numbers for the search term and the number of times it appeared; none of the text was visible."

So those readers who RTFA will be in the know.

Submission + - Appeals Court finds scanning to be fair use in Authors Guild v Hathitrust

NewYorkCountryLawyer writes: In Authors Guild v Hathitrust, the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has found that scanning whole books and making them searchable for research use is a fair use. In reaching its conclusion, the 3-judge panel reasoned, in its 34-page opinion (PDF), that the creation of a searchable, full text database is a "quintessentially transformative use", that it was "reasonably necessary" to make use of the entire works, that maintaining maintain 4 copies of the database was reasonably necessary as well, and that the research library did not impair the market for the originals. Needless to say, this ruling augurs well for Google in Authors Guild v. Google, which likewise involves full text scanning of whole books for research.

Comment Re:Progenitors? (Score 1) 686

I like the idea that Humans developed time travel and went back in time and set up the universe so that humans are the only intelligent species in the galaxy and made time travel impossible. But lets face it. Humans have only been a technological species for around 130 or so years depending on where you draw the line. You could have a lot of civilisations that never develop past victorian levels of technology. Or we just have not been interesting enough for long enough.

Comment Re:Texas has regulations? (Score 1) 78

" Also unlike Florida, it would have been not nearly so far from the Houston command center."
Cape Canaveral pre-dates NASA in Houston. You see mission control was in Florida for Mercury and Gemini and was moved because... LBJ had some buddies that would make a lot of money if Mission control was moved to Houston. The Eastern Test Range which is what NASA uses for the Cape was already set up and working long before Houston Control.
It is also not as far south as you can get in the lower 48, that would have been Key West and their was a navy base their but logistics would have been terrible.

Comment Re:Read Asimov (Score 1) 222

"But if you want to talk about the guy who invented Robots "!="Really the man that invented the term robotics"

Yes I have heard of RUR but just can not find a copy, been looking decades on and off. Asimov invented the term robotics. Different thing. I did not mention RUR since it involved killer robots.

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