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Comment The Great Homogenisation of the world (Score -1, Troll) 52

It is quite sad to see countries giving up their traditions for some globalised norm. This is only a small example but entire languages have been lost this way. I don't see any great benefit to it either

Went on a trip to Morocco there recently and you'd have fellas wearing Djellabas coming at you with a horse and cart traversing the roundabout in the wrong direction with no lights, street hawkers, traditional dwellings but also the obligatory abstraction layer to make the country compatible with the stereotypical suited-up Western businessman (McDonalds, big hotels, places accepting Visa/Mastercard). I wish there could be at least one country completely immune and unscathed by this shit

Comment Re:I doubt it will matter (Score 1) 75

Yes. Normies prefer the sugary fisher price interface of phones and tablets and don't care about stuff like running IDE's and graphic design. Also windows sucks really hard nowadays. People don't really get excited about a windows laptop it's just something they need for work/college. Laptops will soon become a niche device just for nerds. Made by small scale manufacturers with 3D printed cases and running Linux

Comment Great news! (Score 4, Funny) 53

I am absolutely delighted that people are finally wising up and no longer falling for being endlessly "entertained" by pixels changing colour on a screen with no interaction whatsoever. It's fantastic to see people rediscovering the great outdoors, socialising with real people, becoming creative again and giving the couch potato lifestyle the heave-ho for the first time since television was introduced. Soon the effects of the populace consuming decades worth of misinformation will start to wear off as people no longer content with being fed lies on politically biased news channels will seek out the truth for themselves. What a time to be alive!

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