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Comment Self aware - blah (Score 4, Insightful) 117

Just from reading TFS, nothing that can't be achieved presently with a well-written bash (or python) script. Self-aware me bollox, phone probably can't recognise it's own plastic Chinese mass manufactured casing in a photograph

I always lol when I see the big hype drummed up when yesteryear's nerd-tech goes mainstream

Comment Re:What kind of encryption did the FBI break? (Score 1) 802

how are you going to do this? Have one hard drive in one room with the padded data, and one in the other with the pad?

also if you spread your data out over 8 equally sized hard drives, have it all nicely compressed using PAQ or something. HDD 1 contains the LSB of every byte, HDD 2 contains the next bit of every byte, and so on. How many hard drives do the FBI need to find before they can recover a useful amount of data?

Comment Hai anonymous coward (Score 1) 273

Hostels.. most will kick you out after two weeks to make room for fresh guests but other than that you are unlikely to have problems. Most have free wifi and there are plenty (unfortunately) of antisocial folk stuck in a corner Facebooking, some even have special areas. Writing code is grand but you have to make sure none of the girls see you at it, or you'll and up on the National "Do Not Fuck" List because you know girls don't like coders / nerds (joke). You won't be the only one stuck behind a screen but you'll be doing something more useful than any of the rest of them

Hackerspace is relatively new here in Yurop. I seen one in Cork that costs €40 a month to sign up to, a bit far away for me. Havn't checked it out really

You are more likely to be moved on in a Cafe, it's expensive anyway, usually, in the expensive countries at least. I don't know every place you intend to go:)

There are cheap places to rent particularly in depression-struck Ireland and I'm sure other countries too. You can get a room in a house for 50e a week or less sometimes. If you are willing to live in a dump you can get it cheaper yet, maybe get a discount to help do the place up (you'll be very lucky to find a place like that). More realistically you could try and work in a hostel in return for a free place to stay. Unless you want to go legit and get a proper visa.

Also don't go to Bhutan. That country has a paywall. As a slashdotter I doubt you'll approve of that sort of carry on

Comment Live off the land forever (Score 4, Interesting) 398

3x UPS. For some reason the OP rates these as very important but they won't increase your chance of survival unless you're on life support
2x Petrol generator. I need to convert one to run on propane though
Solar panel (30W only)
Decent stockpile of food, rural area, stream with clean water nearby, good stockpile of fire wood & wood burning stoves

Few car batteries floating about the place, ham radio (cheap Baofeng yoke only), perfectly good working satellite phone charged and with credit (Thuraya), have a few cans of petrol, not loads though. 3 or 4 butane cylinders some of them full, gas cook top.

But I live in Ireland. A storm here is a strong gale that might knock a few saplings and put a few houses without power for a few hours or a day or two at the most. The worst part of the storm is listening to the media fallout after "OMG, I had to do without twitter and iPhone for a few hours, terrible, Joe, I could have died, Joe, are you listening to me Joe? What is wrong with this backward country? Why isn't the government doing more about this?! Elderly people trapped in their homes!"

Comment Re:The government are doing it wrong. (Score 0) 327

The common scam here in Ireland (and also UK) is that the likes of Google, Starbucks, Microsoft companies set up over here pay large "fees" to their parent company in the US in return for being allowed to be part of the parent company.

Its a loophole that the likes of Google in Europe are essentially being run as a franchise. You are allowed to write off your franchise 'fees' as being operating costs so you pay no tax on them. So Google Ireland Ltd. might pay several billion a year to Google US for their "google license". Its more complicated than that though, there are various intermediate companies involved on the Cayman Islands and what have you to further reduce the tax burden. All completely legal. We're being scammed

The common argument in favour over here is "but these companies are providing money to the economy, employing people, etc." but it isn't really fair. If I set up a company in Ireland I would have to pay lots of tax and have lots of regulation to comply with but these sh1tbags like GOOG get away with it because (a) They're big and can threaten to leave Ireland and (b) They can afford to pay their accountants to suss out the best tax avoidance scheme. So Google aren't really carrying their weight but even the govt is afraid to challenge them by changing the law.

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