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Comment Re:Has too many problems (Score 2) 364

I'm alive, barely. With titanium replacing part of my femur, plastic/kevlar replacing my kneecap, my wrist rebuilt, my chin slightly screwed, injury-induced lumbosacral arthritis, a healed T-12 compression fracture with a nasty disposition, and a nice StarFleet insignia-shaped scar at my shin.

Two nurses coming off-shift were behind the guy and witnessed it all happen. Their account, I was hit, sent flying, partially crushed as the truck rolled over me. Their assessment; no pulse, no breathing, no response of any sort. Dead on impact. According to them, after 20 minutes of straight CPR I was resuscitated and about five minutes later paramedics arrived and called for an airlift.

This was a story on the local Memphis news. June 18, 2007. You can probably see a blurb about it in the Commercial Appeal archives.

Comment Re:On "rotating ads" like ClarityRay does? (Score 1) 230

"Just add the new domains into hosts & boom - no more ads, simple."

That doesn't stop HOSTS when the ads are being served from the root of a domain. You do know what the root of a domain is, yes?

No wonder your shit got canned from Wikipedia. You don't even know web basics.

Comment Re:Where'd I state hosts protect vs. all threats (Score 1) 230

Yea, meanwhile, Comcast's Xfinity injection attack TOTALLY bypasses your HOSTS file. How're you going to stop that, dumbass?

Here's what your HOSTS file does to websites:

Again, my point is 100% proven. You are 100% full of shit.

I run and design websites for a job. Guess what? Your HOSTS file idea, long before you started spouting it, was one of the first things for me to bypass, by request of my employer.

And the fun part is, I can keep ads from showing to you long enough for you to whitelist the site, and then slam your ass with ads anyways. See a new IP address? No ads displays for several visits, then BAM show ads on your 5th visit from that IP.

Absolutely trivial to implement in PHP and AJAX. Takes eight lines of code. I could probably do it in two if the web supported brainfuck.

Comment Re:Has too many problems (Score 2) 364


But then you go to Memphis, TN, where a registered motor vehicle offender was still behind the wheel, drunk as fuck, passes out behind the wheel, veers across every lane of traffic, hits the curb, and then hits me, crushing the right side of my body and I'm dead on impact. Then he proceeds to keep going, still passed out, and slams into someone's bedroom.

Despite being a registered motor vehicle offender with a multiple-decade record of such, he still got TIME SERVED.

TIME SERVED for willfully violating the law, temporarily depriving me of life, and destroying the property of another, despite a court order barring him from operating a motor vehicle under any circumstances.

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Gee, Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
