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Comment more bullshit (Score 1) 153

"Scientists from the University of Eastern Finland have found that people who have high levels of cynical distrust are three times as likely to suffer from dementia in later life, than those who have more faith in other people."

In other words, they're trying to pin the blame on someone other than dealing with the same issues they have in the first place like any other country on it's way to first-world status.

Yea, good fucking luck, assholes.

Comment Send him first (Score 0) 323

Adam Steltzner, the lead engineer on the NASA JPL's Curiosity rover mission, believes that to send humans to distant planets, we may need to do one of two things: look for ways to game space-time—traveling through wormholes and whatnot—or rethink the fundamental idea of 'ourselves

If he's that confident, then he should send himself first. If not, then he should shut the fuck up.

Comment Useless metrics (Score 0, Troll) 339

Not including the power used by DRM enforcement
Not including the power used to burn a disc, let alone harvest the material to make it
Not including the power of the people involved in making such a thing happen
Not including the money used to lobby Congress
Not including the money used to lobby the EPA
Not including the money to lobby the FCC

If you're this fucking stupid, you deserve what you get.

Comment Re:Time to become a better shopper (Score 1) 211

"Except Wal-Mart's prices are damn low over time."

Funny you should say that. More than half of their stuff instore can be bought for cheaper at smaller places, quite often.

I saw a guitar, clearly labeled as $129 on the package (First Act guitar) and Wal-Mart had a $169 price tag on it.

No, the $129 was NOT labeled as MSRP.

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