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Comment Re:So, the system works? (Score 1) 725

Of course--but usually you get what you pay for, so the nicer atmosphere and better food is going to be a little more expensive. Despite what some people seem to think these days, you can't get something for nothing, or every perk you want without ponying up for it. Things cost money, service requires a paycheck for the employee, and quality in either of these areas requires more money than a cheaper, lesser alternative.

Comment Re:Missing Option (Score 1) 507

Yikes! I'm in the south as well, but not as far down as you are. I have been to the Pensacola area, so I know how humid it gets down there, but I had no idea how high the bills could get in summer. That's astonishing. I'm in the northwest of South Carolina at the moment (moving again this weekend) and my bill in the summer tops out at maybe $90. I'm glad you posted this, as I move around a lot... this information is helpful, albeit surprising. And scary! (LOL)

Comment Re:Printable version - All on one page (Score 1) 394

So very true. I happen to be one of the lucky few who are both right- and left-brained--logical, structured, but also creative and sometimes emotional. I've gotten some odd looks for explaining that I feel like programming is just like any other type of artistic expression--I can paint, draw, write poems, or write code. It is using a medium to create something bigger than the sum of its parts, and IMHO code can be both functional and pleasing to the eye or mind.

Comment Re:Divided by genre (Score 2) 122

In short, casual gaming means more and different people may be playing, but it shouldn't override, dilute, or replace the hardcore games. They should be able to co-exist, side by side, appealing to different audiences.

(And I have a confession to make--I love a good FPS, RPG, or racing game as much as the next guy {well, girl}, but I love me some Angry Birds. Addictive!)

Comment Re:Condoms prevent AIDS pretty well (Score 1) 240

Yeah, I hear ya. It sounds like you are being more responsible than a lot of people, for sure. I'm one of those weird people who didn't really have sex until I got married, and now that I'm newly divorced, I'm not sure how I plan to approach it. It *is* dangerous these days. I don't know if I agree with your last sentence though... just like it's irresponsible (or inconsiderate at the least) to kiss or even just be in closer-than-necessary proximity to someone if you have the flu or whatever, it's your responsibility to keep others from catching what you have. If it's a curable STI, you get it good and taken care of before you even think about having sex again, and if it's not curable... that sucks, but it's the risk you took when you engaged in those activities, you know? The fact that some things stay dormant/symptomless for a while is pretty frightening, and you're right--some people are selfish and shortsighted enough to lie. I guess the free-love, sexual-revolution thing has its downsides.

Comment Re:The Russians used a pencil (Score 4, Insightful) 754

What kind of little puffy-cloud world do you live in? Some of us have to drive routinely on interstates at night, and actually, I love it. It's not as busy, the roads are generally well lit, and are open enough to where you don't have to worry about suddenly ending up in a ditch or whatever--it's wide and easy to see where it's going. Small back roads can be more challenging, but that's exactly why you need to know how to use your damn headlights. Some of us live in areas where we have to drive on small, unlit back roads every day, and even we generally slow down and use the high-beams. For someone like yourself who apparently only has to go on back roads every few years, it's even more vital that you know how to use the brights, since you aren't as familiar with navigating them. It's not hard--learn it, practice it a few times, and stop operating a vehicle until you learn to use it properly.

The Other People On The Road

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