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Submission + - Debian 8 Jessie released (debian.org)

linuxscreenshot writes: After almost 24 months of constant development the Debian project is proud to present its new stable version 8 (code name Jessie), which will be supported for the next 5 years thanks to the combined work of the Debian Security team and of the Debian Long Term Support team. Jessie ships with a new default init system, systemd. The systemd suite provides many exciting features such as faster boot times, cgroups for services, and the possibility of isolating part of the services. The sysvinit init system is still available in Jessie. Screenshots and a screencast is available.

Submission + - FCC Chairman: a Former Cable Lobbyist Who Helped Kill the Comcast Merger (washingtonpost.com)

An anonymous reader writes: After Friday's news that the Comcast/TWC merger is dead, the Washington Post points out an interesting fact: FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, who was instrumental in throwing up roadblocks the for the deal, used to be a lobbyist for the cable and wireless industry. "Those who predicted Wheeler would favor industry interests 'misunderstood him from the beginning — the notion that because he had represented various industries, he was suddenly in their pocket never made any sense,' said one industry lawyer, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he represents clients before the FCC." The "revolving door" between government an industry is often blamed for many of the problems regulating corporations. We were worried about it ourselves when Wheeler was nominated for his job. I guess this goes to show that it depends more on the person than on their previous job.

Submission + - Think Tanks: How a Bill [Gates Agenda] Becomes a Law

theodp writes: The NY Times' Eric Lipton was just awarded a 2015 Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting that shed light on how foreign powers buy influence at think tanks. So, it probably bears mentioning that Microsoft's 'two-pronged' National Talent Strategy to increase K-12 CS education and the number of H-1B visas — which is on the verge of being codified into laws by the President and lawmakers — was hatched at an influential Microsoft and Gates Foundation-backed think tank mentioned in Lipton's reporting, the Brookings Institution. In 2012, the Center for Technology Innovation at Brookings hosted a forum on STEM education and immigration reforms, where fabricating a crisis was discussed as a strategy to succeed with Microsoft's agenda where earlier lobbying attempts by Bill Gates and Microsoft had failed. "So, Brad [Microsoft General Counsel Brad Smith]," asked the Brookings Institution's Darrell West at the event, "you're the only [one] who mentioned this topic of making the problem bigger. So, we galvanize action by really producing a crisis, I take it?" "Yeah," Smith replied (video). And, with the help of nonprofit organizations like Code.org and FWD.us that were founded shortly thereafter, a national K-12 CS and tech immigration crisis was indeed created. Last December, as Microsoft-backed Code.org 'taught President Obama to code' at a White House event to kick off the nations's Hour of Code (as a top Microsoft lobbyist looked on), Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella was also in D.C. publicly lobbying for high-skilled immigration and privately meeting with White House officials on undisclosed matters. And that, kids, is How a Bill [Gates Agenda] Becomes a Law!

Submission + - Which smartphone is stable these days?

janimal writes: It used to be true that the iPhone was the smartphone that "just works". Ever since the 4S days, this has been true less and less with each generation. My wife's iPhone 6 needs to be restarted several times per week for things like internet search or making calls to work. An older 5S I'm using also doesn't consistently stream to Apple TV, doesn't display song names correctly on Apple TV and third party peripherals (like a Mercedes Benz). In short, the mainstay of Apple that is quality is fast receding. In your opinion, which smartphone brand these days is taking up the slack and delivering a fully featured smartphone that "just works"?

Comment Re:Never mind "the masses" (Score 1) 225

I wish Hollywood's influence was limited to the simple-minded "masses." When you get a chance, go ask Justice Scalia about his hero, Jack Bauer.

Last I checked, being a simple-minded idiot doesn't disqualify you from serving on the Supreme Court. You just have to convince congress critters you aren't. Which probably isn't too difficult considering the simple-mindedness idiocy we have serving as congress critters.

Politicians that're smart intelligent people is long gone, it's just a big popularity contest now, and unfortunately, being popular isn't a very good qualification for serving in congress, but most people seem to think it is.

All boils down to: Beware of stupid people in large groups.

Submission + - Vizio, Destroyer of Patent Trolls (arstechnica.com)

An anonymous reader writes: We read about a lot of patent troll cases. Some are successful and some are not, but many such cases are decided before ever going to court. It's how the patent troll operates — they know exactly how high the litigation costs are, so even without a legal leg to stand on, they can ask for settlements that make better financial sense for the target to accept, rather than dumping just as much money into attorney's fees for an uncertain outcome. Fortunately, some companies fight back. TV-maker Vizio is one of these, and they've successfully defended against 16 different patent trolls, some with multiple claims. In addition, they're going on the offensive, trying to wrest legal fees from the plaintiffs for their spurious claims. "For the first time, it stands a real chance, in a case where it spent more than $1 million to win. Two recent Supreme Court decisions make it easier for victorious defendants to collect fees in patent cases. The TV maker is up against a storied patent plaintiffs' firm, Chicago-based Niro, Haller & Niro, that has fought for Oplus tooth and nail. ... For Vizio, the company feels that it's on the verge of getting vindication for a long-standing policy of not backing down to patent trolls."

Comment Re:Do they charge patent royalties for Windows Pho (Score 1) 103

For instance, FAT32. No device maker uses FAT32 because it's a good file system. They use it because of the Microsoft desktop monopoly.

Actually I think that's an incorrect observation. Everyone is using FAT32 because everyone is using FAT32. Much the same reason every uses certain screw drivers, because all the screws are that shape.

Comment Re:Done in movies... (Score 1) 225

We must burn all the Three Stooges reels! And Tom and Jerry? My god!

Not burn. But definitely see a lack of the violent type of cartoons that were much more prevalent in the 60's and 70's now. I think someone figured out exposing our children to such blatant acts of violence teaches children that violence is ok. And now you don't see all those old Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry cartoons in easy to find places for children. I mean really, what did you expect to come out of showing children senseless acts of violence, even by animated characters on each other? As an adult, I find this stuff still rather hilarious, but I'm an adult now and can easily discern it's just for fun. A child? Influential. They don't know better yet.

Comment Re:Unfortunately (for them) (Score 1) 304

But aren't PC sales on the decline these days?

I'm with you on this. Seems to me the PC is on it's way out. For the common consumer, seems like tablets and smartphones are giving the majority of people what they want, without the big bulky PC and all its trimmings. PC's are gunna be a business tool and enthusiast thing again. Fine by me, might get the big corps out of the PC business and let us nerds have our way with them again.

Comment Re:Wow. (Score 1) 304

Don't peddle the goal post moving, Linux zealot BS. Windows is as relevant as ever. It's still the #1 PC operating system on the planet, with no signs of changing in our lifetime.

Unfortunately, this simply isn't true. THE PC ITSELF is becoming increasingly irrelevant as tablets and smartphones take over. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people are ditching their PC's for Android tablets and smartphones. They're getting that good folks. And if the PC becomes irrelevant, so does Windows.

Comment Re:The movie studios are full of idiots (Score 1) 304

I think the DRM industry just has some pretty good sales people who are fleecing the entertainment industry. Fear works wonders for sales! "We can stop people from stealing your stuff, really, it does work this time, promise!" Mmhmm. Sadly, the entertainment industry is still listening to these snakeoil peddlers.

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