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Comment Re:people content with old machines... (Score 1) 558

My work machine is a 2012 MBP 15" with Quad i7 16GB RAM and 256GB SSD. It was $3,000 new.

I've never had a work machine more than 3 years old, so it feels like I should upgrade.

But when I look at the newest machines, I realize they're pretty much exactly the same as my 3 yr old machine, except that they now cost $2,000 and are very slightly faster.

Comment Re:Apple Developer Program now all inclusive (Score 1) 415

You just can't let other people use them without forking over $100/year. (At all for iOS or without making users disable scary security dialogs for OS X.)

You can develop for a Mac in any development environment. It doesn't have to be Xcode. That's just a free IDE from Apple.

You can distribute your software to anyone without paying Apple anything. The Mac is an open platform.

Only for iOS devices, which are closed platforms, and which all software is sold by Apple and not third parties, do you have to pay $100/yr to have Apple sell your software.

Comment Re:24/7 Live Global Radio (Score 1) 415

Agreed. $10/month is incredible value for access to the world's music on demand. Still, it's a luxury that not everyone can afford.

I pay $5/month for SiriusXM. I wouldn't pay more, but I think it's good value at that price.

Just call SiriusXM up and tell them you'll subscribe for $5/month but not a penny more. They'll agree after a few minutes of back and forth. Their prices are fluid.

Comment people content with old machines... (Score 4, Interesting) 558

Notice the interesting trend of people on Slashdot being generally happy/content with machines that are up to 5-6 yrs old?

That's intriguing from a group of technology happy people who mostly earn good money.

I suspect it's the combination of family obligations (time and money), good work machines, and portable devices...that have reduced our desire and allocation of money for frequently updating our machines. And of course the fact that CPU performance has largely been flat lined over the past several years while SSD upgrades have dramatically improved the performance of our older machines.

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