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Comment i educate (Score 2) 190

there's a whole bunch of people i've encountered who

1) have never heard of open source
2) have never heard of specific programs they could use (i.e. firefox, open office)
3) are suspicious of using it
4) can't understand why anyone would write software for free (i.e. donate their time)
5) somehow equate it to socialism/communism

Comment Re:First time a Muslim packs one with explosives (Score 1) 162

Well you're AC, which makes you automatically stupid on Slashdot.

Nonetheless, Christian leaders led the Nazi's and the KKK. The fact that other Christian leaders fought against them doesn't negate that fact, just as other muslims are fighting against Iran and ISIS doesn't make Iran and ISIS Islamic movements.

Comment Re: What an Embarrassingly Vapid Article (Score 1) 477

I would say most people who commute on a regular basis spend between $3K-$4K/yr on gas, insurance, and maintenance on a car they already own.

The car likely costs them another $3K-$10K/yr in depreciation or lease payments if it's relatively new, depending on model...and maybe $1K-$2K/yr if it's older.

So the existing cost ranges from $4K/yr to $14K/yr to own and drive your car.

Why would someone hesitate to pay more than $1K/yr for a replacement service???

Comment Re:Um... How will it change society? (Score 1) 477

The interesting thing is not that machines will be forced to make these decisions in a split second or that humans occasionally do the same.

It is that programmers and designers will be forced to think through these scenarios in advance, at their own leisure, and to make decisions about that the machine should do in that split second.


if ( ( accident imminent = true ) where ( bus crash = occupants killed ) or ( pedestrian hit = pedestrian killed ) )
then take action ( pedestrian hit )

Comment Re: What an Embarrassingly Vapid Article (Score 4, Insightful) 477

This will require a minimum requirement for braking and acceleration capabilities...because in that long chain of cars going bumper to bumper at 60 mph...its the slowest braking car that will determine the speed and bumper to bumper distance of a large number of cars behind it.

Think ISO standards for braking and acceleration capabilities.

Think, "this lane is accessible to all cars that implement the AMR (Acceleration Minimum Requirements) 2.0 standard"

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