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Comment Re:Hardware isn't Progressing (Score 3, Interesting) 554

I've been saying this for years. All the idiots decrying "PC's are dead! Tablets are replacing them!". No, tablets aren't replacing PCs. Most people just have a PC that's fast enough for their needs and don't need to buy a new one because it's "slow". As a gamer, and a "geek", I have a box that's probably pushing 5 years old, and outside of adding an SSD, there's been no need to upgrade anything. I could probably stand to grab a new video card (gtx460's in SLI), but outside of that, it's fast enough for everything I do.

Comment No (Score 1) 189

Been off of BB since the first iPhone came out. You're full of shit. Nothing in the AAW ecosystems can touch blackberry email/contacts/calendaring even after having almost a decade to catch up. I wouldn't go back to blackberry, but to claim it isn't a better alternative at those three tasks is either bold faced lying, or you've never actually owned a blackberry.

Comment upgrades baby (Score 1, Interesting) 504

This is standard practice for Apple. While they will continue to support your phone, they have this habit of making the new major OS rev run slowly right about the time your phone is 2 years old. I struggle to believe it's a coincidence as it has happened with literally every revision they've released.

Comment Re:Great one more fail (Score 1) 600

So let me get this straight. You are okay with people getting killed for basically nothing? And most very sincerely, if you think that some sort of biometric defeats hte very purpose of having a gun, you also don't have ignition key or locks on your doors. They control access. But a gun? Completely differnt matter.

So does a safety defeat the purpose of owning a gun?

I have a manual lock on my car and ignition. Just like I have a manual lock on my guns when I'm not using them. An electronic lock that's always on, and cannot be unlocked if the battery happens to die makes the gun pretty much useless as a self-defense mechanism. Do your car doors lock automatically and refuse to unlock if you lose power? No? Because that's a pretty stupid fucking design decision? Then why should a gun?

Explain how this is going to cost billions of dollars.

How exactly are you planning on retrofitting existing guns for free? If you aren't retrofitting existing weapons, this is a completely useless exercise.

Explain what you want to spend billions of dollars on to save lives.

You could start by replacing anyone's car that doesn't have airbags and anti-lock brakes free of charge. It would save a hell of a lot more lives than this pointless endeavor. And you could make them hybrids to help with global warming to boot.

You'll have a difficult time, because you are trying to argue about "number of lives", when you are actually afraid that any change, any tiny thing you do, is going to allow the guvmint to take your guns away.

Anyhow, I expect an answer on the billions it will cost, and how many billions you suppport to be applied to the deaths that you actually give a fuck about.

I don't have a difficult time. This isn't a difficult subject to shoot down. It's a waste of everyone's time and money.

Comment Re:Great one more fail (Score 1) 600

Let me get this straight - irresponsible gun owners result in a statistically insignificant number of child deaths every year. Your solution is to create a new technology that not only defeats the purpose of owning the gun for many people in the first place, it also doesn't prevent any of the above mentioned deaths.

And we should focus billions of dollars on this initiative in place of focusing on things that could, you know, actually save a significant number of lives? Makes sense to me.

Comment Re:Great one more fail (Score 1) 600

Google teenager dies in car crash. Google child dies in car crash. Outside of the fact that it makes for sensational headlines, why the focus on guns? The number of kids who shoot their siblings a year isn't even a blip on the radar of causes of death of young children. Try expending your efforts on something that will actually make a difference.

Comment Re:So what exactly is the market here. (Score 2) 730

So, here's an example: Every woman ever. Unless they're wearing jeans (and even then) women usually keep their phone in their purse. What happens when you're in a movie/church/important meeting and your phone starts ringing because you forgot to put it on silent? You get to scramble to try to find the phone and mute it. Having the ability to swipe at your watch would be a godsend. Is it worth $300? I suppose that depends on your income, but for a lot of people, absolutely.

Hell, as a guy *I* am considering it, just because in some situations I run into the exact situation (wearing a suit, phone in an inside pocket). Plenty of people with enough expendable income to justify a $300 purchase when it doubles as a beautiful watch. When you consider what most "premium watches" cost, you're getting the "smart" portion for free.

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Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death. -- James F. Byrnes
