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User Journal

Journal Journal: Enjoying my new DeathKnights on all realms

One of the good things of the last WOW patch is that you now can create DeathKnights (DKs) on all but a few locked realms, even if you don't have any level 55 or higher characters there - although you still have to have at least one level 55 or higher character on one of the servers to unlock them.

But you can also do a trial DK run with the trial version, so we may see even that limit fall to the wayside.

The only trouble I can see is that this means Daloran will become even more laggy, and it gets really irritating with all the rotten fruit attacks in Stormwind and Ogrimmar.

Still can't do the last flight very well - seem to not be very good at estimating height and end up getting in a six-way catapult crossfire and then the ground troops take out my dragon and I'm stuck in an endless loop of dying in the midst of all the troops and barely blowing the horn before they slaughter me again ... sigh.

Anyone else notice this?

User Journal

Journal Journal: FREE AT LAST thank God we're FREE AT LAST! 7

Let's face it, this long national nightmare has finally come to an ignominious end.

And now, as we face the problems directly, instead of distract from them, we can finally live in Hope - our natural state as Americans - and not Fear.

So, any other observations?

User Journal

Journal Journal: See, this is why I don't talk about my military service 5

Today, I replied to the slashdot article about the Deifenbunker being turned into a data store.

Look, I spent seven years in the Canadian Army, making Sergeant in five years, and a number of positions like Chief Clerk for Pacific Region after starting as a combat field engineer.

It was a wonderful time when the Canadian Constitution changed, and suddenly we could and did ignore military regulations in conflict with the rights under the Constitution, when women and gays could do well (I'm neither by the way) and rapid change was everywhere.

Because of some of my positions, I was part of structural changes in training, strategy (last time I turned down CFR (commission from rank) to Major as I would have lost my US citizenship)), and due to what I did (for a time was Acting Security Officer for Pacific Region) I knew a lot more than I let on.

I still have a hard time admitting things I think are public knowledge, but am not sure are declassified. I don't really trust the Internet versions of what is (they're frequently incorrect). Working on counter-terrorism ops taught me that what you think is true is frequently not, and that most people incorrectly make assumptions on fragmentary evidence that was sometimes planted to lead you down the wrong path.

So today, one little comment and a whole bunch of people let loose.

Good thing I've got karma - hope I don't burn too much today.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Why Slashdot User page sux and Pudge is a dork 8

Well, as everyone has noticed, the slashdot wrecking krewe must have drunk some more Bush koolaid cause they've managed to totally confuse everyone with their new panel and editing changes.

Instead of being able to post to your journal or browse friends journals in two clicks, it now takes four clicks at minimum.

And they added two panels to the left to show how neetsy keen they are, and what clueless n00bz they are at the same time - only a first year failing student of Business Management or Advertising would have done such a messy visually confusing mess as these dorks have.

I blame Pudge.


Because he lives in Seattle and must have gone nutso seeing his MSFT stock drop thru the floor while thinking Vista and Win7 was the best thing since robotic flame thrower equipped slice bread mangadroids.

How else to explain why they are such clueless noobz?

Oh, and if you have any more examples please reply to this journal entry - and if you're Pudge, have the courage not to post as anonymous cause it just makes you look even more n00b1sh.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Tonight I read old stuff at SLOG Happy 1

I dug through boxes and boxes, couldn't find my old magazines, so I had to resort to digging out an old Paranoia Game Master set I had, with things like a Biological Support Unit (aka "Cat") and so on.

Oh, I am so going to flame out.

Maybe I should just retell the Grenoille Tales I did for public radio in Vancouver in the 80s ...

User Journal

Journal Journal: Observations as DeathKnight Snugglebooboo 1

First, pink hair is a great choice for a female gnome Death Knight.

Second, don't go for the pony like my son did when he was a Taurean Death Knight last night - man, that was funny - go for a big horse cause it's cool.

Third, revel in the fact that you still have saucy /flirt actions.

Fourth, that Project LORE guy is a n00b. Nice voice, but a n00b.

Fifth, if you runecraft the correct version of your sword, it's a lot easier to slaughter DeathKnights five times your height with your giant deathcoiled two-handed sword.

Sixth, watch out for people stealing your mail.

Seventh, Join In The Bloodshed whenever someone attacks something - you're a DeathKnight with an overdeveloped sense of vengeance, not somebody's pet poodle - revel in it!

Eighth ... get some sleep! You have to level at least one character to 55 on every server you want a DeathKnight on.

Anyone else?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Free at last, thank God, America is FREE at LAST!

Just saying.

If you watched the news, when it showed downtown Seattle filled with parades, I was the lone white Obama Biden 08 sign in the crowd, as I eventually made my way from the Westin to the Showbox.

Tried to get into the Showbox at 6, but one of my neighbors from Fremont (who just got his American citizenship, he's from Iran) had been waiting half an hour and still hadn't gotten in, so I went over to the Westin.


User Journal

Journal Journal: 40 percent of Americans don't trust real vote counting 5

So, today on NPR I heard that, according to polls, 40 percent of American citizens don't trust that their votes will be accurately counted.


So, is there ANY reason why we shouldn't just adopt the Canadian 30 day federal election mechanism and its use of registration via IRS tax forms and paper and pencil ballots with 99.9999 percent accuracy and one national ballot format?

Or will we continue to have the stupidest election mechanism in the history of the World?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Election is over - 1/3 of us voted already 3

Well, estimates are that about one-third of all Americans have already voted. Whether it's early voting, like my mom in South Carolina, or absentee voters in the West like me where we're most of the voters, the reality is, the election's already over.


Because most of the early and absentee voters so far were ... INFREQUENT VOTERS.


Young people. People who don't vote regularly.

They already decided.

So, what we're asking you is something pretty simple: why haven't YOU voted yet?


User Journal

Journal Journal: Modding the Palin thread

oh, my little mod points, I love you so!

So, apparently, posting infrequently, skipping a day or two, and only metamodding once in a while is the way to get mod points.

And, yes, that was funny, but most of my upmods were for Interesting or Informative ....

User Journal

Journal Journal: Wouldn't a swimsuit competition be better?

So, supposedly on Thursday, I'm going to go to the VP Debate Watch Party the 43rd Dems will be holding - can't recall the location, but our last place at Spitfire Grill this past Friday was so packed we had to turn people away (including THREE OF MY FRIENDS! and two of us staff barely got in).

But wouldn't a swimsuit competition be a better choice?

Or jello wrestling?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Debate Watch Party is GO! 10

So, turns out Comrade John is going to risk having people suss out he suffered a minor stroke this week and will be participating in the debates.

In Seattle, this means the Spitfire Grill in Belltown. There's a facebook event for it, of course (heck, the Spitfire is a person on Facebook, and one of my Facebook friends).

Republicans are welcome, as we always welcome Socialists like them, but they have to use non-WaMu checks to pay for their bar tabs.

Where are YOU watching the Debate (aka the Clock Cleaning)?

User Journal

Journal Journal: I'm suspending my campaign for Ruler of the Multiverse 12

I figure if it's good enough for a Socialist like Senator McCain, why not?

After all, all this multi-tasking is so non-essential for running the Multiverse, and if you can't be an Elite and ignore the hostile masses yearning to break free from bondage, what's the point in being Ruler?

But you can still send me money. I prefer it in Japanese Yen, of course - the US dollar isn't worth much anymore.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Where are good places to eat out in Salt Lake City?

I don't have a lot of cash (can barely afford to get there), and I'm not Mormon, so does anyone know where some good places are to eat near the Grand Hotel in Salt Lake City or along the light rail line from the airport to downtown? Conference is at the Grand America Hotel, 555 South Main Street, 84111 if that helps.


User Journal

Journal Journal: So, where r u at in DeathKnight prep for WotLK?

My son and I have been grinding our lead characters up on a few servers and already reserved some names by creating characters with the names we want.

Then we delete them and create the character as a deathknight.

Are you grinding up your herbalist alchemists to supply the DK with all the ingredients they need?

Is your enchanter ready to swap enchants with guildies to make them ultra powerful? Saved up all the right mats, since the DK is probably frost/fire tree? Ready to disenchant all the BOP armor/weapon from DK quests for mats of friends and guildies?

Anything else?

What's YOUR prep?

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The only possible interpretation of any research whatever in the `social sciences' is: some do, some don't. -- Ernest Rutherford
