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Comment Re:So, he is admitting that the attacks are true (Score 1) 786

I never said that opposition to war was anti-military and vilifying soldiers, I said that John Kerry vilified soldiers and was anti-military.

So your complaint is that you were castigated for engaging in right wing BS that you didn't repeat, instead of the right wing sophistry you actually peddled?

Okay. Noted.

Comment Re:Stop trying to win this politically (Score 1) 786

With respect, neither wind nor solar are credible additions to the traditional power grid.

Repeating tired winger deflection doesn't make it true. Wind and solar are already cost competitive with fossil fuels, and that's ignoring the trillion a year the U.S. spends on subsidizing the oil industry.

As to the urban environment, it is too dense to credibly use renewable energy in that way.

Because power lines that transport coal power hundreds of miles couldn't work for wind or solar farms. Or something.

Here you might say "but nuclear power is bad because some power plants built in the 50s and 60s had issues after being poorly maintained and continuously running for 50 years." Think about it.

Now that's just putting on your clown shoes. Nuclear power is by far the most expensive power source ever invented by man. No power company on the planet has rolled the future costs of plant decommission and the storing of nuclear waste for thousands of years, even if they've incorporated all the costs of plant construction, maintenance, security, ore mining and refinement.

As usual, you arguments are entirely based on ideology, not science.

Comment Re:Stop trying to win this politically (Score 1) 786

Got a little butthurt about getting called out on our anti-vaxxer bullshit wrt climate change, did we? Now let's talk about the laziness downthread:

I could probably find evidence to support your argument if I wanted. I could also probably find evidence to help make a counterargument to it if I wanted to. But I don't care to do either of those things.

That's good, I'm glad to see you're not an idiot, you're merely lazy.

Oooo, projection. If I assert that you like to have sex with goats and set kittens on fire, is it my job to prove that assertion, or your job to disprove it? Cuz, you know, if you merely insist that you have never touched a goat or laid hands on a kitten, it means you're "merely lazy" because you didn't prove your innocence.

Comment Re:Stop trying to win this politically (Score 1) 786

Bill Clinton engaged in systematic sexual harassment

Baseless tautology.

Any corporate CEO can get a blow job from an intern and it's no problem

When it's freely offered? Someone's jealous.

Yeah. Right. Just a blow job.

No, not just a blow job. It was a pathetic witch hunt that settled on a sex scandal after years and tens of millions investigating and re-investigating Whitewater and Vince Foster. Then Scooter Libby came along and showed us just how much wingers actually care about perjury.

Comment Re:So, he is admitting that the attacks are true (Score 1) 786

Linking to media matters and using it as a factual source, isn't any different then linking to world nightly news and making the same claim.

If it's Lazy Tautology Day, I'll just casually assert that you like to have sex with goats. Cuz we can just casually throw out claims without having to back them up, right?

Comment Re:So, he is admitting that the attacks are true (Score 1) 786

Got anything more than a tautology, like those who insist that Michael Moore is as full of it as Rush Limbaugh without anything to back it up? Media Matters always backs up their claims with references, just like Snopes. Their failing is that they only call out right wing bullshit when it's coming from Republicans, not Democrats. But that's not to say they go around making shit up - which is what you seem to be doing.

Comment Butthurt? (Score 1) 786

Denier is entirely accurate as these people aren't arguing science, but ideology. They're no different than young earth creationists who deny all evidence that the earth is older than 6,000 years, or anti-vaxxers that keep jabbering on autism, or lunar conspiracy theorists who continue insisting that the moon landings were faked on a sound stage. Denyalism is denyalism.

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