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Comment Is it that hard to see the revenue generation? (Score 1) 215

Isn't it easier to just drive carefully, refrain from exceeding the posted speed limit by more than 5-10mp

Speed limits are rarely set by how fast you can drive at a safe speed on a given road, rather than arbitrary zoning.

But even that is following the canard that the only people wanting to know where the cops are are those looking to break the law. In the age of DWB, asset forfeiture, checkpoints, revenue generation, and cops being free to murder innocent people with impunity, that's obnoxiously naive.

Comment Re:Boys are naturally curious... (Score 1) 608

Men are privileged and any time you provide evidence proving otherwise that's actually just proof that men are so privileged their privilege "backfires" and hurts them.

And by that point you've been tagged as a 'mansplainer'. If you insist on continuing to have your own opinion, you must be an MRA.

It's impossible for anything, no matter how bad it is, to not be male privilege.

Like watching black cops beat up or harass black pedestrians and yet it's still a case of White Privilege.

Comment Re:Not just "unreasonable". (Score 1) 221

They wouldn't be committing felonies as that would require a violation of law rather than violations of constitutional restrictions against government.

FISA lays out those felonies: 5 years in prison and a $10,000 fine for each offense. Right off the top that's going to mean prison sentences measured in thousands of years - for each NSA worker - as well as billions in fines.

Comment Re:Oh boy ... (Score 1) 424

You can blame other parts of the federal government somewhat, but blaming Congress for bad laws is always precisely the right thing to do.

Always sounds like defection. Let's not put pressure on one person and his appointee (POTUS and AG), let's pressure 485 instead because it's so much easier! Then there's the practical aspect of it: the Espionage Act was passed in 1917. What's going to be easier: pressuring those 485 people to repeal the Act - and override George Obama's inevitable veto - or pressure the AG to use his prosecutor discretion to start enforcing the laws against banks and stop persecuting whistleblowers?

Comment Re:Remember when WSJ had a modicrum of decency? (Score 1) 720

and it's clear that the Democrats are going to keep demanding that the government force low-skilled workers out of work... sorry, increase the minimum wage

All businesses always minimize their payroll. If McDonalds needs 12 people to run a shift, they will hire 12 people to run a shift, whether the minimum wage is 25 dollars or 25 cents an hour.

You could pay these people a quarter an hour in company scrip and the company would still replace some employees with automation if it would save them a nickel.

Comment Re:Can we stop trying to come up with a reason? (Score 2) 786

Maybe because society (in the US, anyway) spends a lot of time, directly and indirectly, telling women they aren't cut out for this kind of work and should focus on being "hot" and be quiet?

On some other planet where you don't see governments and schools pushing the "empowerment" of girls, nevermind that girls are more likely to graduate from college and have always graduated high school at higher rates? Where girls are overdiagnosed with ADHD and overmedicated instead of boys?

Women get pushed around a lot in our culture, overtly and covertly

By other women.

I got raised by smart, educated, strong-willed women (mom, aunts, great aunts, godmother) who had professional lives in the 50s and 60s when that was rare.

As those aunts, great aunts and godmothers what it was like to be drafted into Korea or Vietnam.

Comment Re:Nurse were men (Score 1) 786

Speaking of perpetuating lies, most men behind on child support are in arrears because they cannot afford to pay, not because they don't want to. Non-custodial women are much fewer in number, but have more in arrears, percentage wise, than non-custodial fathers do. Yet no one calls them "lying dead-beat moms" when they cannot make the payments.

Comment Re:Can we stop trying to come up with a reason? (Score 1) 786

You are talking the same position as the old guild members, fighting to keep their privileged position as more productive factories raise productivity and living standards for everybody.

Except when you need such a guild to push back against a government increasing the size of the labor pool without increasing the number of jobs open to said labor pool. Because the real purpose is to boost corporate profits - see the H1B visa program.

Comment Re:Goal Should Be Zero Revenue (Score 1) 398

I'm a big fan of both red light and speed cameras, so long as it's clear that the goal, and the only goal, is to improve traffic safety by getting people to abide by speed limits

On some planet where speed limits have some vague relation to how fast you can actually drive at a safe speed? Parts of Canada are notorious for having speed limits 30 kph or more under where they should be. And red light cameras are invariably set up not at intersections with a higher accident rate, but at busy intersections with short yellow light times.

The point of these cameras isn't increasing safety, but increasing revenue for the city and the company collecting the fees. Which is why Chicago haz a sad.

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