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Comment Re:Huh (Score 0) 279

They are modular, but apparently the design of the F-35 airframe can't take the newer modules because they are larger than was planned for and stick out a bit, thus breaking the stealth.

The US should just give up on this stealthy size of a bumblebee crap, yes it has a low radar return and looks like a bumblebee on a radar, but it's moving at Mach 1.5.

Comment It's how fantasy heroes are written (Score 2) 351

Even in Middle Earth. This can't be classed as a problem with the movies, the issue exists in the source material as well.

Throughout both The LoTR and The Hobbit, the heroes are mostly invincible. Aragorn and the Nazgul on Weathertop, the Mines of Moria, the Orcs at Amon Hen, Gimli and Legolas at Helm's Deep, and so on and so on.

Even Boromir was nigh-on unkillable at Amon Hen and only died because Tolkien needed him to. The book has him "pierced by many arrows" and the heroes there had a kill-ratio of at least 10-1. More if you discount the hobbits.

If anything, the kill-ratios were lowered for the movies. Read the LOTR Wikia entry for Amon Hen for a comparison.

Comment Overblown concern by the anonymous submitter (Score 4, Insightful) 91

Firstly, this isn't a general law, it's an amendment to the law governing foreign sales of military technology. It only applies if a specific technology is classified as solely defense or strategic. Yes that classification can be manipulated, but a court would have to be convinced that the classification is valid.

Secondly, the bill isn't doing away with the presumption of innocence globally. It is saying that if a person selling the regulated technology relies on the exceptions and regulations to decide whether it is safe to supply technology, that they have documented that reliance properly. Basically they want people to do their homework before handing classified military information over to a foreign actor. Seems fair enough.

Comment Re:I agree (Score 1) 523

Generalize much? Things are never the same for everybody. I haven't done joined-up writing since the beginning of high school, but my time to write the same sentence is currently about 40% faster in rough print against illegible cursive. Maybe if you're comparing it to formal block writing like you do on a form, but not for note-taking rough printing.

If my cursive was several times faster, I'd set fire to the paper with the friction.

Comment Re:These idiots are going to ruin it for everyone (Score 2) 132

Not an engine incident, but a bird strike that forced a medical chopper to land yesterday.

Also, search for images for bird strike helicopter and see what shows up. Some serious damage.

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