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Comment Re:copyright exempt? (Score 2, Informative) 297

It's a shared copyright. All the art is very much owned by Nintendo. The addition of commentary adds an additional copyright owner of the commentator, but since the footage definitely is full of Nintendo copyrighted material, they could easily be within their rights to have it removed. Basically, they've given these playthrough video makers a choice, either give Nintendo all the ad revenue, or take down the video that contains their copyrighted material.

Comment Is there an app bubble? (Score 4, Interesting) 240

I'm not sure it is. Maybe I'm biased because I am employed as an Android developer, but both Android and iOS developers are both incredibly in demand right now. Every brand wants or has an app, and every webapp needs a native mobile counterpart to be taken seriously. Weren't the app bubble predictions back in 2010? I don't think they hold any water any more. Mobile is the future and isn't going anywhere.

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