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Comment Re:Language is not equal to spelling. (Score 1) 333

Armor, Armour, Armer all all pronounced the same way. Language relates to the spoken word, how it is spelled is up to the intellectuals and academicians. Spelling makes not difference in language. Which is why it surprises me that a symbol that has no unpronounceable is included in this tongue in cheek policing of the language.

Why, welcome to Slashdot, Gov. Palin... what a surprise, nay: honour to have you posting here!

Comment Re:Immigration experiences to US - prints, bah. (Score 1) 248

"The annoying part has been the attitude of almost all occasions I've basically felt that arrogance of "YOU ARE NOTHING, WHY THE HELL SHOULD I LET YOU IN, you pitiful European".

Seconded (or thirded, fourth'd, whatever, didn't bother to read the other replys). What really killed me was my last entry, when the DHS officer spoke worse english than I do (a feat quite hard to accomplish). The whole process feels almost designed to put you off visiting the USA. I mean, they had these sort of motivational posters everywhere, telling the DHS-personnell that they were something like "the calling card of America" (paraphrased) since they would be the first contact any visitor has with the USA. The general feeling of annoyance and unpleasentness, however, was so deep and felt so institutionalized, that I've come to believe it's being done on purpose, and the posters are some kind of cynical joke.

Comment Re:The mouse...has two buttons (Score 1) 414

Yes, that's where I was starting from: when you have a 3-finger/scrollwheel-mouse connected to your mac, then obviosly you would use the middle button/scrollwheel of the mouse.(*) In the absence of any external pointy-clicky-rodents you use the trackpad (with or without modifier keys, see above.)

(*) actually... that depends... sometimes while typing I use the trackpd even with a mouse connected, just because it's nearer the keyboard. same thing when I've got an external keyboard and a mouse connected: I then often use the mouse for a mouse and the trackpad for gestures.

Comment Re:The mouse...has two buttons (Score 1) 414

"Middle-Click" is [command]-click (i.e.: hold the [cmd]-Key as a modifier while clicking. [cmd] on a Mac-Keyboard is like the [Win]-key on a... well Windows-Keyboard. Very useful, since the default setting for most web browsers on a Mac for a "Middle-" or "Scroll-Wheel-Klick" is to open a link in a new window or tab. You could achieve the same by Two-Finger-clicking on the touchpad (that's like a Right-Click) and choose "Open link in new window/tab" from the context-menue, but [cmd]-click obviously is much faster.
It's funny.  Laugh.

Penny Arcade Releases Episodic PC Game 78

CyDharttha writes "Greenhouse Interactive on Wednesday released a RPG titled 'On the Rain-slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode One.' The title is available on Linux, Mac, and Windows platforms, as well as XBox Live Arcade. A quick look at the game shows it promises the same great humor frequently displayed at Penny Arcade, and with the help of Hothead Games, intriguing graphics, sound, dialog and game play. Demo and purchase is available online now."
PC Games (Games)

Submission + - Penny Arcade releases episodic PC game

CyDharttha writes: Greenhouse Interactive today released a RPG entitled 'On the Rain-slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode One'. The title is available on Linux, Mac, and Windows platforms, as well as XBox Live Arcade. A quick look at the game shows it promises the same great humor frequently displayed at Penny Arcade, and with the help of Hothead Games, intriguing graphics, sound, dialog and game play. Demo and purchase is available online now.

Submission + - Fermilab needs code crackers (symmetrymagazine.org)

atrocious cowpat writes: A call for help from symmetry magazine, the joint publication of Fermilab and SLAC: "A little over a year ago, the Fermilab Office of Public Affairs received a curious letter in code (image link). It has been sitting in our files all that time and we haven't had much of a chance to look into breaking the code, nor are we particularly expert at this!" Could be just plain gibberish, it could be something like those wonderfully weird letters to the Mount Wilson observatory, or it could be a message from aliens who just happened to have gotten their hands (tentacles/exoskeleton) on a fax machine. I'd sure like to know.

Submission + - Microsoft withdraws deal with Yahoo.

MrCrassic writes: "It seems that a disagreement on a good share price drove Microsoft away from a buyout of Yahoo. From the article:

"Microsoft hiked its offer to $33 a share, but Yahoo was holding out for $37 a share, the source said. The two sides met face to face again Saturday, but remained far apart.

Although price was a key issue, Microsoft also had strategic concerns and saw it as unlikely to achieve a friendly integration process. According to a source close to Microsoft, Yahoo founder and CEO Jerry Yang had "unrealistic expectations."

Submission + - Mac, BSD prone to decade old attacks 7

BSDer writes: An Israeli security researcher published a paper few hours ago, detailing attacks against Mac, OpenBSD and other BSD-style operating systems. The attacks, says Amit Klein from Trusteer enable DNS cache poisoning, IP level traffic analysis, host detection, O/S fingerprinting and in some cases even TCP blind data injection. The irony is that OpenBSD boasted their protection mechanism against those exact attacks when a similar attack against the BIND DNS server was disclosed by the same researcher mid 2007. It seems now that OpenBSD may need to revisit their code and their statements. According to the researcher, another affected party, Apple, refused to commit to any fix timelines. It would be interesting to see their reaction now that this paper is public.

2012 Olympics Security to be Chosen by Sponsorship 165

denebian devil writes "In an Editorial/Blog at ITPRO, Davey Winder writes of a keynote speech at Infosecurity Europe by Member of Parliament Derek Wyatt. In this speech, which was about the IT security demands of running the 2012 London Olympics, Derek Wyatt MP dropped the bombshell that IT Security at the Olympics will hinge not on which companies show themselves to be the best in their field or to have the technology that best meets the needs of the Olympics, but rather on whether or not the companies were a 'major sponsor' of the Olympics. So who has bought their way into being the security experts of choice, and with whom our security and that of the visiting millions will rest? Visa."

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