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Comment Re:It doesn't really add up (Score 1) 101

As much as I hate to go against the predominant "more is always better!" mentality, I have to say yes, Ms. Milani's tits are too big. I prefer my women to be proportional, not gross caricatures of what some immature boy thinks the perfect woman would look like. Kate Upton is proportioned just about perfectly.

Comment Re:It doesn't really add up (Score 1) 101

And of course, if you receive a picture of someone who has literally hundreds of photographs of themselves freely available on the internet, it obviously came directly from her... it couldn't possibly by that somebody else downloaded one of those pictures and posed as her, no sir-ee!

Comment Re:Dude Doesn't Deserve to be Called a Physicist . (Score 3, Insightful) 101

He knew damn well what was in the bag! After being warned by a friend that it probably had drugs sewn into the lining, he opened it up and (supposedly) decided it was empty. Then he filled it with his own clothes to make it look less suspicious. Kinda hard to miss 2Kg of coke, isn't it? This is a guy that was so delusional he actually thought if he smuggled coke for this Milani chick, that she was going to fall in love with him and marry him... despite the fact that he had never spoken to her in person.

Comment Re:Cars produce more (Score 1) 976

Right, because if all those people WERE NOT riding bikes, they wouldn't be consuming food or producing carbon dioxide at all, right? I'd much rather people get their exercise by foregoing the use of their SUV than by going to a health club to work out -- even moreso if they DRIVE to the gym!

Comment Re:Cars produce more (Score 2) 976

There's a problem with that reasoning. 95% of the wear-and-tear on public streets is done be trucks. Damage increases exponentially with the weight on each tire (and probably with speed). The wear caused by a bicycle on the street is basically immeasurable; the ocaissional motor vehicle that wanders into the bike lane does far more damage. When was the last time you saw a bicycles-only path the showed _any_ signs of tire wear?

Comment Re:Cars produce more (Score 1) 976

By bike commuting, you are burning a lot more calories per day than the average person. You need to replace those calories, so you need to eat more than I do just to maintain your current weight. Granted, it makes a lot more sense to burn the calories actually accomplishing something than going to the gym. But if the average person ate more calories than you do when you're burning off several hundred extra calories per day, they'd all look like Honey Boo Boo's mom... oh wait, the average person DOES look like than now, don't they? (My daughter is a cheerleader. I have to buy her 3 full size cheeseburgers and a milkshake after every practice... she's frickin' 12 years old and weighs about 80 pounds, and she still eats twice as much as I do at more than twice her weight!)

Comment Re:Simple Suggestion (Score 4, Informative) 301

My experience (my daughter has ADD) has convinced me that ADD is not a lack of ability to focus, but rather a lack of ability to focus on things you're not interested in or see no point to. My daughter can focus for hours on something she wants to do, like sewing, playing video games, or making videos. The problem is our educational system regards the ability to read and comprehend hundreds of pages of material you could care less about as the highest virtue. Unless you later become a game show contestant, most of the stuff you're required to memorize in school is just useless trivia.

Comment Re:Disappointing for a new connector (Score 1) 392

I've got to agree with you on this. Yes, you pay a significant premium for Apple gear, but they do make up for it with customer service that figuratively kisses the customers ass every time, sometimes even throwing in fixes for free on equipment that is no longer under warranty.When Clarke's Discount Honda fixed my car for free (more than once, actually) they DID buy long-time customer loyalty from me. So Apple should believe it will work with most of their customers too. It partially works for me; my wife has a top-end iPad and old MacBook, my daughter has a top-end new PowerBook. But for myself, I just got a $300 Dell laptop from Walmart, which was a heck of a lot cheaper than the $2000 I paid for my daughter's laptop.

Comment Re:half price? (Score 2) 497

You don't understand. The conservatives are anti-education for precisely the same reason the Taliban is anti-education: an educated population is much less likely to support them. It's no accurate that all the bastions of liberalism and Democratic voting in Virginia are exactly the same as the areas surrounding universities.

Comment Re:Let's save 110 million apiece (Score 1) 497

So put the control centers closer to the drone... say in the air way above the fighter. Also, drones should be cheap enough so that you can afford to lost dozens of them taking out a single manned aircraft. When your drones outnumber manned jets 50 to one, I'd say they have a huge advantage even with some lag. And where are you getting this "10-30 second round trip"? The speed of light is 186,282.397 miles per second. The circumference of the earth is only 24,901 miles. A radio signal can circle the earth 7.5 times in a single second... where's this "2-4 seconds latency" coming from?

Comment It's all moot anyway (Score 1) 497

Want to make fighter jet more effective and orders of magnitude less expensive? Remove the pilot! Manned fighters are soon to be a thing of the past. (Long range bombers probably still need to be manned.) Sure, communications and control can be cut off... but a manned fighter can't take any action without checking with control first either!

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