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Comment Re:My last post was roundly criticised. (Score 3, Funny) 204

I keep the following quote pinned in Google Keep to remind myself of what happens when corporate communications becomes completely divorced from reality:

In other words, better execution and innovation through strategy and goal and discipline and engineering coherence.

From the previous Microsoft CEO. Nice to see that Ballmer's ghostwriters are still with the company.

Comment Re:Attribution (Score 1) 86

Which government has working days like that?

A better question is "which hackers have working days like that"? Why would anyone expect criminals to work 9-to-5 jobs? I'd expect something more along the line of noon-to-hey-let's-go-get-piss-drunk-and-sleep-in-until-noon.

Comment Re:Not such a new idea. (Score 1) 196

This is true. I'm questioning that said patents are really such an "ace up the sleeve" if someone else is beating you to market with devices that already do what your patents purportedly cover. There's only a limited set of physiological sensors that are going to be useful in headphones and that aren't already in their phones, and LG just nailed the main one. Body temperature would be the next obvious.

IMHO, Apple's ace up its sleeve is the same thing it's always been... to ability to pump out a product that's just plain nicer than anyone elses product. Patents just muddy the water.

Comment Re:Ah, lazy .... (Score 1) 192

I assure you, I mean lazy in a very complimentary way here. ;-)

Oh, I understand what you mean. But calling it "lazy" is... well, lazy.

Programmers are generally not lazy people. They're willing to work pretty hard at stuff that matters or that they care about. They just don't like to waste their time, nor do they like to do poor work.

Tedious manual error-prone processes that could be done more efficiently and correctly by making a machine to do it are exactly the sorts of jobs programmers don't like to do.

Granted, not wanting to do a job the way someone expects you to do it or the way it's always been done might *look* lazy...

Comment Re:Ah, lazy .... (Score 3, Insightful) 192

More useful things have been invented out of an express desire to be lazy than I can even count.

Not so much a "desire to be lazy", but more about pre-empting laziness.

Laziness is like entropy; it's gonna happen.

Tedious manual processes are inherently error-prone. If everyone is conscientious and on-the-ball, things generally work, albeit less efficiently than we'd like. But that's not sustainable in the long term... eventually, people get into a groove and start getting sloppy.

Designing, writing, testing, and rolling out (usually against the inertia of an existing process) a program isn't lazy. It maybe allows the programmer to be lazy later, but in the short term actually a lot more up-front work. It's just a shedload more interesting that the actual work it's replacing, which is usually the main motivation for doing it at all.

Comment How to protect yourself (Score 0) 100

Easy: Don't. Fucking. Install. It.

This is yet another piece of software which the user needs to download, enable installation of third-party apps, and install. Or the user might've installed it from a dodgy app store (in which case their device is likely already a teeming mess of malware).

Either way, the user needs to do something we've spent the last umpteen years trying to indoctrinate people against.

Wake me up when someone starts injecting this stuff through advertisements in web pages.

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