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Comment Re:Shady Misinformation About Real Name Policy Too (Score 2) 359

And yet Facebook never seemed to enforce it.

Confirmation bias.

I have family members with multiple fake accounts that have lasted for years and years all so they could invite those fake accounts as friends in games. And they weren't even remotely sneaky about making them appear as real.

Yes, they didn't use the policy against farmvillains, only when it was important, like against trannies and whatnot. But their rights aren't important to you, so you didn't hear about that while it was happening.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 2) 232

Oh so you miss the days of manually setting sound card jumpers to set DMA and IRQ

What? I say, what, son? That shit went away with ISA, and it had nothing whatsoever to do with pulseaudio. Nothing. Pulseaudio did nothing to mitigate that because none of those issues went away if you still have that hardware, because pulseaudio does not handle that part of the audio system. Do you know anything about the software we are now discussing?

Comment Re:Why? (Score 3, Informative) 232

Please note that PA is for consumer audio, that means general purpose desktop and sound server use.

You know what's different about consumer and pro audio? Nothing. As it turns out, consumers also want high-fidelity audio, and they want to be able to mix multiple streams. The only difference lies in what the industry is willing to sell us.

It works great for that and doesn't drain batteries and so on.

Actually, pulseaudio has notably drained batteries in the past, because shitcode.

Comment Re:KDBus - another systemd brick on the wall (Score 3, Informative) 232

Since they claimed that the systemd developers are bad and inexperienced programmers that can't code or design,

We have seen this proven true with pulseaudio.

that the systemd design is bad and that the code is bad,

Which should surprise nobody

it puzzles them that despite all this, systemd have worked beautifully for so many years.

Which it hasn't, and many slashdotters have given examples in this and other systemd-related threads, which you have willfully ignored because they don't fit the narrative you swallowed.

Comment Re:KDBus - another systemd brick on the wall (Score 1) 232

Stop using XP. It's much faster now.

Bullshit. It's much, much slower now, not least because the subset of printer drivers included is pathetic. What's pathetic about the list of supported printers that extremely common printers supported with precisely the same drivers that they have already shipped plus just a different PPD are not included. But it also takes much longer to hit windows update and find your printer driver than it did on XP.

Comment Re:Wounded Not Dead (Score 1) 232

But bear in mind that SysV Init has been straining at the seams now for around two decades, probably more.

Only because people keep trying to shove things into init that don't belong there.

Bear in mind SysV init was never upgraded to take into account changing usage.

It didn't need it.

Take a look at /etc/inittab. Try and find a man page that still describes the format.

On debian, you would use 'man inittab'.

Nobody should have continued reading your comment beyond this point, because it's clearly ignorant at best.

Comment Re:America is finished! OVER! (Score 1) 285

You're an idiot. The middle class isn't being drained via taxation. Taxes are lower right now than at any point in the last century. It's the stagnation of wages that's causing the middle class to have problems.

It really doesn't matter what the absolute number of dollars people are paying in taxes might be if the taxation breaks the camel's back. Who do you think is paying for Obamacare?

Comment Re:In other words... (Score 1) 285

we don't have the unlimited labor supply we once did = we don't have an unlimited amount of "slave labor"

Immigrant labor is even "better" than literal slave labor because it is cheaper. You don't have to care for your employees. If they get sick or die or whatever, that's not your problem because you don't own them. And if you don't want to pay them, you just inform the INS that you have "discovered" that you have a high number of illegal employees, and would they please come pick them up, perhaps right before or even on payday?

Comment Re:But..... jobs! (Score 1) 285

Oh noes, but that's not creating jobs, that's losing them, which is automatically bad right?
People will grow out of the 9-5 slave-aholic mindset sooner or later I guess.

Later, much later, after the government stops criminalizing being poor. You need money to exist in a capitalist society, especially one in which being homeless is a crime.

Comment Re:You're not willing to pay (Score 3, Informative) 285

Or more to the point, to compete with strawberries grown in other countries under whatever conditions they deem acceptable.

You can't get strawberries from much further away than Mexico, and even those are inferior to fruit from within the country. Strawberries don't ship well. Most Mexican strawberries never ripen, some of 'em get kinda close but if you know what the real thing is like (I grew up in Santa Cruz) then you know they're crap.

You can get frozen strawberries from further away, but that's expensive too.

Comment Re:No mention of iPad in the summary? (Score 1) 160

A Nexus device means you will have proper support from Google.

N4 and N7 updates lagged hard behind other devices. If you wanted quick updates you had to go to the community. Which brings us to our next point:

So now the question becomes when I want to replace my Nexus 7 if I buy a Nexus 9, or I buy a low end iPad.
Because I have no interest whatsoever in a non-standard Android.

...and are apparently unaware of third-party Android distributions for common devices. So long as you get something vaguely popular, someone will be rolling CyanogenMod and/or AOSP for your device, and you won't have to run whatever came from Google, which you don't want to run anyway. You want something with fixes applied.

Comment Re:"although not with bug-free results" (Score 3, Insightful) 160

2) The 2013 Nexus 7 (often referred to by its internal codename, flo), using a Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro (APQ8064), pretty much the same as the Snapdragon 600 at a slightly lower clock speed. This runs Lollipop well due to newer hardware. This is the device that was just discontinued.

Well, it runs 5.1 well. Many users, including myself, had problems with 5.0 on the Nexus 7 2nd. I had it murder the battery for no reason, and it was generally chunky and unresponsive. 5.1 seems to have solved that, though.

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