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Comment Well - since the price of battery packs decline (Score 1) 334

Just buy your own battery pack and cut off the grid connection completely. Problem solved. That's what I plan to do because National Grid is mostly bandits now - with double digit rate increases annually lately. They claim it's a natural gas shortage because there are only two pipelines in the state. I call bullshit because I know regular LNG shipments come in via big boats.

Comment I'm in the Android camp (Score 1) 484

And I can say that I've only had to restart the phone only once every couple months. Part of it is because I know how to kill an offending app on the phone.

I also have a Kind Fire HD6. That pretty much works the same way as the phone as it runs a later version of Android.

This isn't a slam to all the Apple fanboys and fangirls - its just that Apple perpetuates this myth that it just works. When that is far from the truth.

Comment To hell with selling it to the electric companies (Score 1) 533

Prices on solar have been dropping like the proverbial rock - and the panels are getting more and more efficient as time goes on.

When I buy a place I intend to sever the electric connection, generate my own power via solar and wind, and store what I don't use in a storage array. Problem solved and no need for the grid.

Comment The roads (Score 1) 304

Are in for the most part horrible shape in my city. You'd take your life into your own hands riding a bike on them. I suppose when the weather gets nicer I could ride my bike to the train station. I need to fix the flat tire on it first though.

Comment If there's on rap the teachers should take (Score 1) 493

It is that programming a computer requires advanced mathematical study. It doesn't. So long as you get through say 1 semester of Algebra 1 and know different base numbering systems like 8, 16 etc. you can program a computer.

Conditionals are one thing they'd have to learn and so too branching etc. But those are simple concepts that even a kid can pick up.

Comment The reason for this is that (Score 1) 214

Verizon raped it's customer base pretty badly on the wireline side. And I do mean raped. You see back when they were all Ma Bell and a regulated monopoly partof the revenue had to be put back into upgrading OSP. Except once the regulatory clamps were released - they stopped doing that. In fact that is common among telecom, electric and natural gas providers who got deregulated too.

Public utilities should NEVER be unregulated.

Comment Re:Not automatic (Score 3, Informative) 60

No training involved. If you've ever seen an AED it's got the instructions printed right on it, with pictorials and everything. I note they're pretty much everywhere these days, even in office and public spaces.

Now the thing about AED's that interests me is who is going to put the pads on you and activate the machine? The whole bystander effect and all.

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