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Comment Re:Google+ is Facebook, but smaller and featureles (Score 1) 75

I agree, and am a fan of Google Plus. What I personally would like to see is the ability to place a whole circle within another circle. I ALWAYS want to share EVERYTHING I do on there with my wife. Same with a few other people. I was hoping they would let me nest circles within circles. That said, I'm still pretty happy with it and haven't looked back since.

Comment Re:you have a point (Score 1) 451

Um, I take caffeine pills when I desire caffeine. However, when I want a flavored drink that's NOT sweet (like most juices, or soda's, or.... well, anything I can think of for a cold drink beyond water), I'll take a beer or in the cold months a coffee. Hell, I own decaf coffee specifically so I can have coffee at night and not have any undesired caffeine. I don't do non-alco beer though - just too different of a composition from the real stuff. However, I don't even catch a noticeable buzz of from one beer.

And I'm not sure what you're on about with the comments about children. Yes, kids like sweet things. We know that. Kids also like large purple dinosaurs. Does that mean that those of us who prefer watching "Alien" are also oddballs, and should instead true up and start singing "I love you, you love me"?

Further - you do realize that gourmet cooking is often despised by kids, right? Or is that also a case of drugging, somehow? I mean, the kids say "Pizza & Mac & Cheese" so that's what we should be eating, right? Hell, it's crazy to think that in cooking, one should use all of the taste options available.

Comment Re:Not anyone, really (Score 1) 373

I will second you, Jawbox, with one caveat - they run on Sprint, which has crap service anyone I've ever been - ever. Perhaps in bigger cities, but otherwise, crap. Voice is barely OK, and I don't think I've ever gotten data ever.

That said, it's what I'm using and will be for a while - $25 is just too good to pass up, even with crappy service (yay wi-fi!).

Comment Re:Better than expected (Score 1) 144

OK, I'll bite -

I'm not a shill for Rockmelt (I have no connection to them). There is one reason, and one reason only why I use it & intend to stick with it - the integrated feed reader. Is there some extension that duplicates that functionallity on stock Chrome? If so, I'm game to go back (don't really care about the Facebook tie-in stuff). But I looked around for a while and have not yet located it. Yes, there are feed readers, but none quite like this one - at least as far as I can locate.

Comment Re:B.S. I say (Score 2) 901

While I am a fan of Linux, and am sad that they are going backwards, I think I know what's going on with "printer issue". The simple desktop models likely work fine. I would guess they're having problems with the giant office printers (Maybe not as big as this one but something large enough to power a whole office). Of course, I haven't read the fine article, nor am I a German, so I could be way off. But I suspect that's where I would run into trouble.

Comment Re:TACHYONS! (Score 1) 146

Well, while we're providing testimonials, I'll say that I too gave Onlive a try, and am a happy owner of two games (Just Cause & Red Faction), and might dip into this subscription service. I found the resolution agreeable (haven't tried it on my TV, but I suspect it'd be fine there too), the graphics were not as crisp as I'd like, but quite serviceable, and the response times, while "there", were nothing that interfered with my gaming (that I noticed).

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