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Comment Re:Compelled to freely license? (Score 1) 191

The copyright part of the GPLv2 doesn't allow that remedy, but the GPL isn't just a statement of copyright, but is also a license, and the license part of the GPLv2, which you agree to if you use GPL code, does specify what must happen if GPLv2 code is incorporated.

And if software companies are suddenly saying licenses aren't enforceable, then wow, we've entered a brand new age.

Comment Re:Never let the truth (Score 1) 391

I have an uncle who is an extremely bright man... and insufferably arrogant and lazy. It's as if he has come to believe his high IQ is an end unto itself, and that somehow the universe was supposed to just bow down and hand him everything on a silver platter. He's an alcoholic who was abusive to his wife and kids (until she finally got up and left). But for years all I'd hear from my aunt was how awfully bright and tortured he was, and if you pointed out he'd barely made a living for years, you got some nonsense about him being a member of Mensa thrown in your face.

I have no idea what my IQ is, never really cared. Good at some things, struggle with others, but the one thing I'm not is a complete dick. I'll take happiness and a measure of success over some number on a piece of paper any day.

Comment Re:Electric Universe (Score 1) 225

Dark energy is needed to explain the rapid inflation of the universe. Dark matter is matter we know is out there but can't yet identify because it so weakly interacts with normal matter. One is extremely important to explaining big bang cosmology as we currently understand it. The other in certainly is part of the big bang story, but is as much an interest to particle physicist as cosmologists because it represents the possibility of physics beyond the Standard Model.

Comment Re:Piheads are like the guy with a Hammer... (Score 2) 427

If someone were to come up with a ARM-based board with at least the capability of three or four NICs and a WiFi access, and could run a decent distro like Debian, even if it cost a couple of hundred bucks, I'd snap up three right now. I've built Linux-based routers/VPN appliances using Debian, iptables and OpenVPN, and I can't complain, but they still suck a lot of electricity, and quite frankly, are rather large. I have three Asus RT-N12 routers with TomatoOS on them, and they work great but I've never been able to get the onboard ethernet switch to reliably work as two routed network segments, and they are getting a bit long in the tooth WiFi-wise.

Comment Re:Oh noes! (Score 1) 371

From an executable (if I can use the word for byte code) point of view, yes Java is the most portable. I compile once, run in many places. That doesn't really apply to Android or iOS, of course, but since I don't write mobile apps, I don't fret. But I do write apps that run on Windows boxes, Macs and *nix machines, and, as I said, as long as I'm careful to keep things version and platform neutral, my jar file can run on all these platforms. Code portability and executable portability are two different things.

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