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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 16 declined, 10 accepted (26 total, 38.46% accepted)


Submission + - Microsoft Has Lost $5.5 Billion On Bing Since 2009

MightyMartian writes: According to CNN Money, Microsoft has lost $5.5 billion on Bing since its launch in 2009. But it gets even better. If you include Microsoft's other online offerings, all the way back to 2007, the losses are somewhere in the neighborhood of $9 billion.

But not to worry, analysts expect Bing to become profitable in "three to four years".
The Courts

Submission + - Suit Against PZ Myers Withdrawn

MightyMartian writes: Seems the lawsuit brought against PZ Myers by Stuart Pivar has been withdrawn. It seems between all the bloggers, someone doing a story on it, and perhaps the Evil Atheist Conspiracy, PZ Myers can continue to malign kooks.

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