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Comment Re:8-tracks (Score 1) 59

Cool! My dad can finally download 8-tracks legally!

Not quite. None of the downloads contain the mid song fade out, the THUNK noise, and then the song fading back in. Its not quite the same experience. ;-)

That's OK, My dad is so old his brain does that for him.

Comment Re:Missing Option (Score 1) 316

My father use to go to the local convenience store every Saturday evening to get the 'Early Edition' of the Sunday paper. On one such trip, a crotchety old lady shopping at the store barked, "Why would anyone buy the Sunday paper on Saturday!" My dad replied with a straight face, "To see what the winning lottery numbers will be"...

Comment Re:The "enhanced" procedures are useless (Score 1) 609

The only measure which has successfully prevented a terrorist attack since the '01 hijackings is the increased vigilance and response of the flying public.

Actually, putting a lock on the door to the flight deck has. All other measures are meaningless/un-necessary to prevent a 9-11 style hijacking.

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