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Comment Re:How about non-BGA? (Score 1) 24

The phrase IoT has been bastardised to mean different things in different contexts. In my world IoT is being applied to hardware in ways that require a lot of complex sensing, communications, and internet software. One of the biggest "IoT" initiatives that ThysenKrupp and Microsoft like to rattle on about is a partnership which pulls some 80 different statistics for each elevator into the cloud for predictive maintenance purposes.

Not every IoT device needs to run a year off a small battery, be the size of a dime, and be so simple that it is only capable of turning on and off a light, or scheduling when the coffee machine should turn on. IoT describes a very broad range of uses and I can imagine that this SoC bundled with Google's "lean" version of Android that runs on "only" 32MB of RAM will definitely find places in some part of the market.

Comment Re:Five stars for.. (Score 1) 246

No they said resources are scarce. There's a clear difference. Financial resources are scares too if you look at poor suburbs, that doesn't mean no one can afford a Ferrari.

You'll also note that clearly in the different groups driving around. I.e. Immortan Joe and his brother? Can't remember who runs GasTown has mostly massively oversized supercars. The scavengers and people just trying to survive are mostly on little go-carts and fuel efficient motorbikes (remember they're able to load up fuel on motorbikes to last them 160 days?)

Now there was only 2 groups using flame throwers. Surprise surprise they were the groups from Gas Town and from the Citadel. Just like Kim Jong Un is quite the fat little man in a country otherwise starving. It's quite consistent that they are playing around with flame throwers in their world.

Comment Re:Five stars for.. (Score 1) 246

It wasn't meant to. That's kind of the point, this movie is not so much a sequel as a film that stands entirely in its own right. You want an example of a wasteful world just look at the refinery on the horizon in gastown belching black smoke with endless flames riding into the sky.

In this movie not eveyone has everything, but each are rich in their own right. The primary villian has the water, Gastown has the guzoline, and the Bullet Farm has all the guns. The only people who are starved of anything are those which can't afford to trade and one of the themes of the movie is that all shortages are artificial (Immortan Joe keeps all the water for himself making him filthy rich enough to burn through as much gas as he wants).

The world isn't starved, people are starved, and they are starved because of a handful of dictators.

Comment Re:How about non-BGA? (Score 1) 24

As much as I like prototyping, the chip has 289 pins. Prototype and assembly friendly for that much I/O would also mean an incredibly large package size and a huge amount of wasted space on the PCB.

You're flat out not going to get a non BGA version of this chip. Actually you're flat out not going to get a non BGA version of any of the i.MX series from Freescale given that this one has the lowest pin count of them all.

Hardware Hacking

Video Glowforge is a CNC Laser Cutter, not a 3D Printer (Video) 45

Co-Founder and CEO Dan Shapiro says, right at the beginning of the interview, that the Glowforge machine is a CNC laser cutter and engraver, not a 3-D Printer. He says they've "simplified the heck" out of the hardware and software, and are making an easy-to-use, non-costly ($2500 has been bandied about as the unit's likely price) device that can fit on a kitchen table -- or, more likely, a workbench at a maker facility. Although Dan did very well on Kickstarter (and afterwards) with his previous venture, Robot Turtles, this time he seems to have raised his first $9 million in the venture capital market, with participation from several MakerBot executives.

Glowforge is not the only CNC laser cutter/etcher device out there (or about to be). In Australia, Darkly Labs appears to have raised $569,397 (AUD) on Kickstarter to bring their LazerBlade to life, and already makes a small laser device called the Emblaser. There are others, too, including Boxzy, which did the Kickstarter thing and will now sell you a device that "rapidly transforms into 3 kinds of machines: CNC Mill, 3D Printer & Laser Engraver while enhancing precision & power with ballscrews." All this, and their top-of-the-line "does everything" machine sells for a mere $3500. Obviously, devices to give makers and prototypers the ability to make ever more complex and accurate shapes are coming to market like crazy. We'll continue to keep an eye on all this activity, including a second video interview with Glowforge's Dan Shapiro tomorrow.

Comment Re:Five stars for.. (Score 4, Insightful) 246

Flamethrowers (in a fuel starved world, no less)

I think you're not watching the right movie. The Mad Max world is starved of a lot of things, especially water, but Guzonline is definitely not one of them. That's actually what they call it. It's about the only thing they have. They trade it around at will and drive vehicles which burn through it a great deal. Heck there's even a line in the movie where they take the piss out of how much fuel and nitro they have burnt through pursuing max and then shrug it off.

What little plot it had perfectly describes the results that you complain about.
- Person strapped to the front of the car, because he had to be. There's no space in the cab or the tray for your blood supply.
- Doing battle around a tanker? Well the War Machine was a vehicle specifically kitted out to fend off attacks so it stands to reason they are battling around it, and without giving away too much I wouldn't worry about it blowing up given it never actually makes it to the refinery to get filled.
- The vehicles resemble what would be hacked together if the world suddenly went under and the only thing on hand was older cars to weld together. A lot of effort was put into designing vehicles which could legitimately be made from cars of only that era. Aside from armour plating, some spikes on the tires, and that one car with spikes all over (a homage to the Echidna, an Australian ant-eating mammal), most of the cars are pace cars designed to get you close enough so you can throw grenades at your target.
- Fireworks? Got a better way of signalling in a world without electricity? Though they do use semaphore towers between fixed places, the the fireworks were used for communication.

Don't judge a book by it's cover. It has very real stunts, few special effects, is definitely not overhyped, is not a rehash (and has nothing to do with previous Mad Max films), and I would have to say is anything OTHER than dime-a-dozend Hollywood shitfests which are coming out at the moment. It's a movie narrated beautifully by action and not dialogue.

Comment Re:Feral Kid (Score 2) 246

doubt it... FK didn't have any lines, Hardy had loads.

You're kidding right? His script barely would fill an A5 page. He has about 10 one liners in the movie. His script doubles due to the 15 second monologue at the beginning and the one fully formed sentence containing actual verbs near the end.

Comment Re:Ancillary titles to TFA (Score 1) 327

Not really, some of the analysis following the Challenger disaster at NASA concluded that the use of Powerpoint limited the ability to put enough relevant information on the screen to allow analysts to make the necessary connections to identify risks.

In a similar study performed by the Army, the conclusion was that all of the necessary detail that would have been included in a whitepaper was trimmed away for the 5-bulletpoints that they could put on the screen, to quote the article:“It’s dangerous because it can create the illusion of understanding and the illusion of control,” General McMaster said in a telephone interview afterward. “Some problems in the world are not bullet-izable.”

Horsecrap. I can present a single word on a single slide which sums up everything the engineers came up with: "NO". Powerpoint had nothing to do with the challenger disaster and is nothing more than a blame sharing exercise. What caused the disaster was that the information exchange between engineers and managers was poorly facilitated. If the engineers at any point recommended not to launch (which they did) then the fault lies squarely on the other side of the table for not seeking all the relevant information. If the powerpoint had nothing but pictures of rainbow unicorns on it you can still extract all relevant information you need as the information was available in the room at the time. If the decision was to be made after it should have been made from minutes not from presentation slides.

Comment Instant feedback.... (Score 1) 158

Studios will continue to manufacture music but the instant feedback will drive the future trends. Studios will replicate songs that sell the best and slowly build up enough data to know what we like. I predict that this will result in convergence around a single specific melody. Then they can just insert any generic hot girl (or guy, it won't matter at that point) onto the stage and just autotune them to ensure they sing the same song.

Oh and everything is awesome.

Comment Re:"Up To" (Score 1) 69

Except for the bit where I said "standard response". I'm going to assume you're not an expert in signal processing. Actually I don't need to assume it, you've pretty much stated it.

I'm not sure where you get your cynical view of the world from, but in cases where anyone has every described "up to 92%" I've never seen anything close to 0% as the true result.

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