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Comment Re:Crazy (Score 2, Insightful) 778

Nonsense and propaganda. You cannot state anything until those increases actually kick in and are in effect for some time. About 5% of workers are on minimum wage in the first place, out of those 5%, some will not be rehired, and once the wage is in effect fewer new businesses will be created. The money will come from somewhere, higher consumer prices and fewer minimum wage jobs. Fewer minimum wage jobs does not mean "people will have more money to spend" but it will slow down growth of new positions.

Minimum wage is actually minimum ability. It cannot extract non-existing money from small business, but it can prevent people with abilities that are below minimum wage from finding jobs. Large business will transfer costs to the consumers, higher prices will leave you with less money to spend, not more. Small business will cut employment, will hire fewer people. Government stats are manipulated in every category, this is not an exception, best case scenario this is premature.

Comment Re:another government crime against humanity (Score 1, Troll) 752

a group of criminals that are the political class within a system, regardless of how the political class is created in the first place. This group of criminals usurps power over the individuals, which includes power to dictate what money is, what the taxes are, what the laws are and it gives itself 'legal' power to steal from the individuals and murder them. A democratic government is one, where the criminal political group is difficult to get rid of since there is no one easily identifiable target, it is a criminal hydra.

Comment Re:I don't get it (Score 1) 362

You still missed it. Men are not designated as a specially protected class of people, who are owed entitlements of this type.

If a man is sexually harassed by another man, this is not going to be a special situation that employer can be liable for in the same way than if a woman is harassed. Women are given special entitlements by government and obligations are imposed upon employers for completely bullshit reasons. An employer is not running a kindergarten, it's a job, employers are not there to babysit anybody. If an employer harasses a woman then it is the employer that is liable but in exactly the same way that anybody else would be. However if it is between 2 people that are working in the same place, being employed there, somehow the employer can be additionally liable for

"having such a person in their employ"


Well, it should be obvious to any thinking person that if a person comes with a higher than otherwise probability of filing a lawsuit against you, whatever the reason, this will be a very serious consideration during the hiring process, which is why government shouldn't be in between employers and employees if the goal is to get an efficiently functioning economy and society.

Comment Re:I don't get it (Score 1) 362

It is strange that you think it is a 'troll', when in reality these are the precise, exact considerations when hiring anybody. How much will they cost? Does hiring a person mean increasing liability because this type of person has special protections designated by government and can much easier sue the employer than another type of a person?

Governments forces employers to discriminate based on the same exact criteria that government uses to provide 'protections'. Remember, whatever government says it does, the effect is pretty much always the exact opposite one. Labour discrimination laws create discrimination, they don't eliminate it.

Comment Re:Silicon Valley is officially old (Score -1, Troll) 533

Robber barons: captains of industry that in many cases created their industries from nothing.

Child labour: a problem that free market capitalism solved. Children always worked and they are still working in countries where there are very little individual freedoms and very little capital. Free market capitalism allowed the parents of the children to become productive enough not to have to send their children to work, as parents always did before capitalists invested into tools, management, training and generally more efficient means of production to allow workers to produce much more with all these tools than they ever could before, thus allowing a smaller and smaller number of people to execute bigger and bigger tasks, which is what productivity is. Child labour will return to the USA as the parents of the children are becoming less and less productive every single day, which is the actual reality as opposed to fantasy that the gov't propaganda is pushing upon the population, pretending that Americans are becoming more productive. Very few Americans are increasing their productivity, vast majority is unproductive, as in it requires subsidies to live. Subsidies come in many forms, including loans by other nations that can never be repaid.

Rampant pollution: a byproduct of early stages of industrialisation, which is solved when governments do not interfere by a wealthier society, society that accumulates wealth through industrialisation. Indeed the worst polluters of all times are governments and government controlled economies. I was born in one of those countries, Chernobyl wasn't caused by private enterprise as an example.

Killing workers: free market capitalist employers do not kill workers or customers, that's not good for business it doesn't add to the bottom line. OTOH government kills people on daily basis. Be it wars or government created pollution or even government regulations that prevent people from having access to things, simple things such as medicine that may already exist but is not allowed, thanks gov't.

USA was the freest country in the world until it generated so much wealth that enough parasites could lift their heads above the ground and start destroying the country by using the worst traits of people: jealousy to those who make more without desire to work more, with a desire to be subsidised, things of that nature.

Comment Re:Silicon Valley is officially old (Score 0) 533

You are so blinded by your ideology that you cannot even imagine that what you are saying is actual bullshit. The only 'social compact' that USA had and was built upon and indeed thrived upon until the problem arose after the turn of the 20th century was that the government is small and unobtrusive and people are free to do business as they like. That is how USA became the largest creditor nation, largest manufacturer nation on the planet in such a tiny period of time, mostly after the Civil war and before the Federal reserve got the power to monetise government debt.

1981 was not the problem, actually 1981 with Paul Volcker's 21.5% interest rate was the correct step towards the solution to the problem that was in the making from 1908 (Sherman's act and breaking up of Standard Oil), through 1913 (creation of the IRS and the income tax and of the Federal reserve), through 1917 (allowing the Federal reserve bank to monetise debt of Congress), through 1925 (USA Fed monetising bad UK debt to France, which caused the bubble and the collapse of the bubble that in 1929), 1930 and all the way to 1945, which was the Great Depression era caused by Hoover and FDR with their 'Great Society' (really Horrific and Destructive Society), the depression was only thwarted by the end of WWII, when gov't cut taxes by 33% and spending by 66%, 1950s and 60s, which were full of nonsense like creation of Medicare, expansion of SS, finally 1971 when Nixon defaulted on the gold dollar in response to all of the previous government created inflation.

1981 was the year of a major correction to the problems created by the socialist, welfare state policies of the huge government and knuckleheads who have no idea about their own history or principles that the country was founded upon.

Those principles were very specifically against large government and for the individual liberties, of-course the principles have been violated time and again and this violation has been instilled into the likes of you, who have no idea what they are talking about.

1970s default on the gold dollar following all of the big government policies that started with the traitorous Teddy Roosevelt is what destroyed USA as a major economy of the world. The last 40 years have been a reflection and an inevitable progression towards the end of that economy and society simply based on the fake money created at an ever increased pace by the Federal reserve, monetising ever growing government expenses and debts.

No one should pay income related taxes. USA was not built with income related taxes, it was built with absolute minimal taxation on some imported goods and alcohol. USA was destroyed with large government and income taxes, that is true.

Comment Re:The appcrap boom is over (Score 4, Insightful) 171

Amen! I'm know there were some gems in the rough, and also some amazing apps that I never saw, but by-and-large the emphasis on shiny marketing and top tens over quality has overshadowed the market for a couple of years.

I have some genuine good ideas I'd like to throw at an app, but I'm looking at the market and I don't really want to touch it.

Comment Re:Maybe, maybe not. (Score 2) 749

roman_mir is a psycho that I'm ashamed to share a UID within a range of 60,000

- you shouldn't worry about it, not only are you useless for any meaningful discussion, but you also can't count obviously.

your id is 1212466, mine is 125474, the difference is 1086992 or 18 times the difference you are 'ashamed of', so don't worry, you don't have to be ashamed of proximity to my id, you have to be ashamed of many other things, but not of that one.

Comment Re:I've heard elsewhere this Ultimate Universe (Score 4, Interesting) 590

Also shown here in the only true comic about Thor (and friends and foes), the Danish "Valhalla" comic by Peter Madsen. None of this Marvel junk, please.
Notice that Thor is shown in accordance with Norse mythology, as a stout man with red hair and a bushy beard. No fair-haired prettyboys here!
"How many times must I tell you? Don't touch my stuff!"

Best comic ever.

Comment Re:What? (Score 5, Interesting) 382

But this would be the first time that a petition would actually demand that the USA federal government actually does what it is SUPPOSED to do, to force the USA government actually to apply the interstate commerce law correctly.... This is what the interstate commerce clause is meant for: use federal power to force States to stop anti-business practices that hurt businesses and people when States attempt to destroy competition by preventing businesses and people from engaging in interstate commerce. States are not supposed to be able to prevent businesses and individuals from competing with one another, that is the purpose of the federal interstate commerce law. Not to force people to buy products that they would not buy without government force applied to them by to prevent States from destroying free market capitalism, to prevent States from denying competition.

Of-course forever now the federal government and States engaged in anti-competitive practices that they accuse businesses of, which in reality are the product of the government corruption and collusion. Mandating and requiring business licenses for people to engage in commerce is the anti-competitive practice that needs to be stopped. Mandating and requiring that businesses abide by government rules and regulations is the anti-competitive practice that needs to be stopped. Income taxes are not only a horrible economic policy, it is also a way to segregate businesses into those, that have access to government officials and those that cannot compete because they are not getting special treatment.

Basically this petition is the first petition that I hear about that actually demands the USA government to behave Constitutionally where it concerns trade and business and individual freedoms. Of-course the government will pay 0 attention to it.

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