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Comment Re:Doesn't surprise me. (Score 1) 80

I'm not surprised security isn't strong - given the Virgin Media (ISP) account puts a 10 character limit on your password. Seriously. 10 is woefully short as a maximum.

You think that's sad? Go to their mobile phone account site. You know how you log in? Enter your phone number (public information), followed by a FOUR DIGIT PIN . Yes, I used bold, italic, and underlined for that. The ONLY thing standing between you and someone with your phone number being an asshole is, at most, 10,000 possible numbers. Surely no one could brute force 10,000 numbers!!!!

Comment Re:more cameras (Score 1) 283

1) raprep plate from same/similar make model color vehicle (I've seen a very convincing copy already)
try telling the police you weren't at the crime scene
criminals will always have the upper hand in a Big Brother/Nanny state

Devil's advocate: Wouldn't this be a good argument FOR plate tracking? Sure, the plates were at the crime scene. But if they start tracing the vehicle back on its journey, they'll find it came out of 123 Seedy Garage Lane. They'll also have a record of your car pulling into 1701 Enterprise Blvd., parking, and never leaving.

Comment Re:My plan to save Best Buy (Score 1) 300

You charge $50/hour to rent a testing room where you can try any electronics that you like, and a means to easily order from Amazon on the spot.

Close. You charge the electronic manufactures to have their items displayed (or charge them more to have them displayed at a premium location). Consumers can come in for free and test anything they want in any way. Maybe still sell a "premium" membership fee that get them access to a special lounge with coffee, but that's just a bonus.

Set up links to Amazon, newegg, etc-- or directly to the electronics manufacture themselves. Take a cut of each sale, roughly the same amount as Amazon offers anyways in their "referral links".


Comment That explains things (Score 4, Interesting) 233

That explains why, about a month ago, I got a whole rash of "omg funy click here" spam mails for friends with yahoo email addresses (and only yahoo email addresses). I wonder how recent this password dump is. I might have to recommend another round of reset-to-something-complex. My first recommendation was STOP USING YAHOO FFS!, but no one does that =(

Comment Whatsahyperlink? (Score 1) 243

What a-- bad-- article. Blogger blogs about his own opinion, cites other bloggers as "proof". Also, Blogger doesn't know how the Internet works. FTFA:

Even Eric Schmidt has confirmed this in interviews, easily verified via his Wikipedia page. Also note the quote on there by him about...

Let's put aside that you're using Wikipedia as a primary source. The bigger wtf is-- do you even know what a hyperlink is? Apparently not. You should educate yourself. The information is easily findable if you Google for "list of html tags", click on the w3schools blue thing, then scroll down to the section called "a".

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Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death. -- James F. Byrnes
