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Comment Re:Why it doesn't matter (Score 1) 232

My wife ATM card was 'used' twice in less than 24h and a few hundred $ got withdrawn each time, all the while her card was actually at home.
It was probably copied by someone at a 7/11. Fake readers on top of real ATMs is unfortunately common and sometimes very well done. In short your ATM or credit card can be copied easily without you ever knowing ... until the bank calls you or until you get your monthly statement.

The bank actually called my wife on the second transaction and returned all her money. The police never got the bad guys.

Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 171

I hear you I manage a medium Tomcat farm (few hundred machines) and and some of the servers can take up to 15m to load (we have GBs of caches to fill) and we actually tail the tomcat logs to look for a 'ready to serve pages' notice.

Comment Re:What? (Score 3, Informative) 171

I just tried Hello World in Groovy and it took almost a whole second (measured with time: 0,7s avg, 0.952s max, 0.668s min) for it to run on my MacBookPro (latest high end 17" model, not ssd).
Perl did it in about 0.007s average (0.011s max, 0.003s min), Python in 0.020s average (0.023s max, 0.017s min).

So in practice it takes a 100 times longer to load with no libraries included, it get worse if you do have dependencies.

Not an issue for a server/deamon app, a real big deal if you need to write a command line tool.

Comment Re:OCD Counting (Score 1) 374

1 router/access point (wifi for non N devices)
1 802.11 N access point
1 printer
1 server
1 Wii
1 PS3
1 Mac Book Pro
1 iPhone
1 hackintosh
1 iPod touch
1 Android phone
1 iPad 2
1 Mac Mini
1 Wireless WebCam (ARM cpu, runs linux and has a webserver)

If you add the switch that will make 15.
I have not listed the devices for Guests since they are typically turned off.

Comment Re:What is the economic motive? (Score 1) 655

Thanks for the tip, I hope it will never have to come in handy.

My brother got his truck burglarized and had several thousand euros worth of equipment stollen (used for house inspections before sale). He found the equipment the next day on a shady local version of craigslist, traced the guy name and address.
He calls the local (french) police, the guy has a long file, they know him without even looking up the computer, known drug addict that pays his daily supply with stolen equipment ... The cops did not lift a finger ! They told my brother the best he could do was setup a meeting go there and try to get his stuff back ... from potentially dangerous a druggie !?!

Comment Re:Dumb Question (Score 1) 284

Whose law? The internet is worldwide.

You might have noticed that here it is about US persons (citizens, or residents), on US soil, dealing with US companies, on US soil. The traffic never leaves US soil.

Being on the Internet does not magically make you a Sealand citizen where you would not have to comply with any laws from any country.

Sure Facebook could apply the same tax evasion tricks to avoid to comply with governments laws, but then they would have to move all their employees to some tiny island nation, as well as all their servers.

Good luck with that. As far as I can tell, the majority high level talent loves to stay in the Silicon Valley and Facebook would end up with only crappy employees, or employees that they would have to pay a lot more. Not really viable.
The other option to store all the servers outside of the US (for US traffic) would mean that the site would be painfully slow, and then users would actually move to, and stay, at an other social site like Google+.

Now imagine that Facebook actually did all that, well how to they make revenue on these US users ? By selling ads, and the money would come from the US. It would not be too difficult for the government to lock down the money flow. Well maybe not the current US politicians, but not above the european governments which still (mostly) value people before corporations.

Comment Re:Sounds interesting (Score 1) 320

I'm not seeing a huge improvement over the Reader button in Safari ... which hides all the non article content btw (including ads). Scroll by page ? I would not like it personally since this is an artificial constraint from the legacy paper based medium. Having a maximum number of word letters for the width of the text is a natural constraint: your brain is more efficient than with very very large lines of text. This is why I keep my code under 100 chars width btw.

Comment Re:RIM is dead... (Score 1) 191

I doubt you have a 'corporation' when you have 40 devices. That probably mean you have a 100 employees company/startup where the overhead of fine tune management of devices is not worth it. Once you reach a couple hundred accounts, then yes maybe, at the level above it just gets in the way.

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