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Comment Re:Another paleo-wanker... (Score 0) 441

I don't know why you're so bothered about it. If you don't like, you don't have to follow it (I don't). Look at it this way, the "paleo" people are testing if the paleo diet works and after several years we should get some free statistics on whether it makes any difference to health.

But yes, you're right about eating a balanced diet. That's the easiest, healthiest diet we know of for now (or maybe eat Japanese food; they seem to live a long time).

Comment Re:is it just... (Score 3, Insightful) 41

Not quite. Maybe some people think that we should feel bad for going there, but not me (I think human culture is based on sharing whether allowed or not).

off-topic rant, but why are submissions about the NTP flaw disappearing? I heard about the latest CERT advisory for NTP and saw that there was a slashdot submission about it, but it later disappeared. I submitted a story earlier today (bored at work), and it's now disappeared from the "submissions" list. Here's the link if you're curious:

Submission + - Serious flaws in NTP (the application, not the protocol) need to be patched 3

hawkinspeter writes: A new set of vulnerabilities with the most common NTP daemon have been discovered by Google security researchers. There exist public exploits that target these flaws, so it's recommended to patch to version 4.2.8 (or switch to openntp which doesn't have the same issues) immediately. This is especially problematic for those systems that run ntpd with root privileges as a single carefully crafted packet can allow access at the privilege level of the process. This was reported by ZDNet a few days ago and I have yet to see the Ubuntu patches for this, but it looks like Red Hat are on top of things.

Submission + - Buffer overflows found in NTP reference implementation (

An anonymous reader writes: Google researchers Neel Mehta and Stephen Roettger have discovered 3 buffer overflow vulnerabilities in the server part of the NTP reference implementation, enabling attackers to use carefully crafted packets to execute arbitrary code with privileges of the ntpd process. Users should update their installations to version 4.2.8.

Comment Re:I believe in Darwin (Score 1) 175

It's quite likely that it would have some consequences (our bodies are very complicated systems), but it wouldn't have been subject to selective pressure if it only has a major affect after child-bearing age. There's no advantage (in terms of gene replication) in a 60 year old having perfect skin if they're not going to be having any more offspring.

Comment Re:Mixed Feelings (Score 1) 190

If Sony were at all concerned about the safety of their employees' private data then they would have taken steps to protect it BEFORE they were hacked. Sony have an abysmal history of computer security and this latest travesty is them trying to close the stable door after the horse has bolted in an attempt to stop their chickens coming home to roost.

Comment Re:Insulator, Isolator (Score 4, Informative) 56

I think you're confused about isolator/insulator. Wires are commonly wrapped in insulation (e.g. rubber) to prevent them conducting. You can also put insulation into your walls to reduce heat loss.

An isolator is typically a mechanical switch that would completely disconnect an electrical circuit.

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