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Comment I think one of my locals already has (Score 2) 293

There was one station I would listen to, the local rock station (yes, it played real rock, not that poser stuff) and as of late, it sounds like crap.

The only way I can describe what it now sounds like would be tinny and clipped. Songs which used to have a roundness to them sound horrible. It's as if the treble has been tripled and the bass halved. Reminds me of when my work went from analog phones to the "new and improved" digital phones. Immediately voices sounded off and messages and voicemail could and would be jittery.

Fortunately there are still a few stations to flip through, including NPR, but it's the only time I listen to the radio. Normally I just bring my cds to listen to.

Comment JFC! (Score 1) 85

to create self-powered cameras that can live on the internet of things.

Anyone who uses the term internet of things (IoC) when talking about a product should be shot on sight. Things DO NOT need to be connected to the internet.

If we can't secure the basic things already connected, important things such as power plants, traffic signals or government computers, wtf do you think will happen when crap like this is thrown in the mix?

Comment Re:Oh this is easy .... (Score 2) 394

I really wish I could leave mine behind more often and not be labelled as antisocial.

It's not antisocial to not be on your phone. In fact, it's the antithesis of not being antisocial.

Imagine what would happen if people weren't on their phones every waking moment. They'd have to TALK to someone they met on the street. How weird is that?

Comment Re:Very simple answer (Score 1) 394

How did you get a sense of superiority out of what I said?

If people are so addicted to social media that they can't conceive of someone not having an interest to use any of them, the problem doesn't lie with those who have made the choice not to put their private lives on display.

Would you have the same opinion of someone who said they don't have a computer at home because they don't need one? Would you consider them to be superior to you?

Just because someone gives a statement about not having an interest in something doesn't make them smug. If that were the case, everyone on the planet would be smug.

Comment Re:What an Embarrassingly Vapid Article (Score 1) 477

Imagine not needing to buy a car (Uber driverless anyone?)

So I have to wait for someone (something?) to pick me up? I can't just get in my own car and drive when I want to?

and only the truly well off will own their own, primarily to have a known nice clean vehicle.

Meaning more societal layering. "You don't have your own car? How quaint."

For some, that ride in to work would be work time,

Meaning working more for the same pay. Employers would be all for this.

Trucks could be scheduled to drive in non-rush hours.

You mean like many are already scheduled to run in non-rush hour times such as 4 AM?

Methinks you haven't thought through your ideas. Where may I subscribe to your newsletter?

Comment Re:A Corollary for Code (Score 1) 232

which often makes for horribly unintuitive or unnecessarily complex systems.

Indeed. Witness the unmitigated mess which are today's web pages, filled with mountains of complex code creating unintuitive navigation and unnecessarily complex layouts.

KISS has officially been abandoned in favor of crazy language tricks just because the programmer could.

Comment The inside threat is more potent (Score 3, Interesting) 385

airlines have fewer options if the threat comes from within.

This shouldn't be a surprise. It's the same thing with networked systems. It's not outside threats which pose the problem, it's the people on the inside who either inadvertently or deliberately cause the problems.

Once you've granted someone access to your data, no amount of firewalls, air gaps or anything else can prevent that person from doing damage in some form, even if only taking that data and giving it someone else on the outside.

In this case, since the co-pilot was on the inside and had the ability to override the security code to open the door, the damage was done long before he crashed the plane.

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