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Comment Re:Hilarious (Score 0, Troll) 366

It's kind of irrelevant what the Florida government or the Koch Brothers Family of Astroturfers think. The insurance industry accepted the reality of AGW quite some time ago...

So you're saying the insurance industry has acquiesced to accepting a reason to raise rates and cut coverage, or otherwise avoid risk that might, might arrive in 100 years. Gravy.

"Love" that you managed to work in a "Koch Brothers" reference, relevent or not. Any chance you'll be working in Soros in the future given his widespread and toxic activism?

Are insurnace companies that do business in Florida regulated by the state of Florida, like they are in every other state? Just curious.

Comment Re:Climate Deniers: What is your defence for this? (Score 2, Insightful) 366

If you RTFA -

Passed by a female Democratic governor
Limited to 4 years
Written because the models predicting doom weren't trusted and offered no useful guidance on what to if if 2,100 sq miles were going to be under water

If the predictions of doom* in 100 years are correct they would still have 96 years to act. That might be enough.

* Sea level rises just over 1 meter/39 inches in 100 years

Comment Re:They are paid to do this. (Score 0) 366

The Republican politicians are paid to do this. If you want the truth don't vote republican.

Interestingly enough the article appears to be false in at least some of its claims. Take this, for example:

Sustainable Initiatives

An official State of Florida web site using the word "sustainable." That isn't supposed to be possible, is it? Makes you wonder how much more of the article is false, distorted, or blown out of proportion.

Oh, and look! Here is one on climate change!

What is Climate Change?

And more on climate change.

Climate Changev/ Water Management Connections (PDF)
Climate Change Action Plan for the Florida Reef System 2010-2015 (PDF)

Look at that, actual plans for action on climate change, not just hot air and alarmism. I thought that wasn't possible?

Now I've got a question: Who paid you to post that?

Where is your "proof" that anybody was paid to do this? I think you're simply a liar, and a slanderer.

If you want the truth you need to look past lying ACs. It''s almost as if getting the truth about Republicans on Slashdot is even harder than getting climate models right.

Comment Re:Lots of weird crap coming out of Congress latel (Score 2) 517

Have you not see the stupid lawsuits brought by fringe environmentalists that greatly drive up the cost of much economic activity for little or no benefit? Have you not seen stupid government regulations that either prohibit various activities or greatly drive up the cost of various economic activities for little or no benefit, or even create actual harm? Surely you can't believe that ALL rules are good rules that must be imposed according to the whims, agendas, or mistakes of bureaucrats and political apointees? Is your thinking that all politicians are evil and untrustworthy, but bureaucrats and political apointees are all sages, angels, sweetness and light? Or is it even simpler: bureaucrats sounds like Democrats and therefore have your unthinking support?

Comment Re:Lots of weird crap coming out of Congress latel (Score 2) 517

You have more faith in government than I do. I read the bill as regulating a regulator to make it more expensive and harder to do anything.

The EPA is part of the government. If you have little faith in the government, why would you want it to be easy for them to act using unpreproducible or other bad science? It is easy for EPA to have a huge negative impact on society and any industry it involves itself in. Surely you don't believe that all of government is filled with bad actors with the one incredible exception of EPA, staffed by only angels and sages instead of political apointees and bureaucrats?

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