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Comment Re:Cue the NSA... (Score 0) 270

Bets on how long until an NSA apologist like Mike Rogers or Peter King issues a "blame the messenger" (Snowden) statement?

Even better is the assured rapid delivery of praise and defense of Snowden's treachery against the US and its allies. We never have long to wait for that. I see you're a fan.

I'm curious, if ISIS sends suicide bombers to the shopping mall where your family goes, and they succeeded in killing hundreds due to Snowden showing them how to avoid surveillance, will you still be a fan?

Comment Re:What about Snowden (Score 1) 270

This is like blaming the cheerleader that the team lost the big game because she reported the star quarterback raped her.

No, this is like the team water boy stealing the team's playbook and scouting reports, moving to the arch rival's town, and having it published in the town papers of all of the team's opponents, along with secret routes into the local malls that extremists would like to use to drop a bomb or two among the shoppers.

You're in over your head on the legality of this. Congress, the executive branch, and the courts have repeatedly authorized and supported the NSA actions.

Here's a Pro Tip for you: As a practical matter people in other countries don't like NSA spying on what goes on in their country (even when they are a haven for terrorists and extremists), few of them really care much at all about NSA spying on Americans.

The uproar in other countries is the natural result of Snowden revealing NSA operations in those countires, not in the US.

Comment Re:What's the alternative? (Score 1) 270

I think it's pretty unlikely a Western government will steal the identy of one of its citizens and drain their bank account. I wouldn't put that past China and its armies of hackers. If you live in the US or various other countries the Chinese also have nuclear weapons aimed at you. I doubt any nuclear armed Western nation will nuke its own cities or people. If you are traveling in China it doesn't take that much for them to throw you in jail. Give it a try some time. Why not go demonstate on the anniversary of Tiananmen Square? Will the Chinese government protect you from a bomb at your local shopping mall? Probably not. The US government will. Will the US government steal the industrial secrets of an American company and set up a competing company that will put you out of work? The Chinese goverment will. You make a lot of bad choices I think.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 270

The U.S has long since stopped being a country to trust and rely on, and the U.S and its exported products are now something we should instead be wary of.

So, what is it you suggest instead? Buying from and trusting your country? Which one is it? What country is both so trustworthy that we should believe the rants of ACs and is also able to manufacture enough to meet the demand for goods across the whole world?

People should be equally wary of stupid crap like you posted.

Comment Re:Terrorists (Score 0) 270

The terrorists already won long ago when Dubya and a willing Congress shredded our civil liberties after 9/11.

Since the US currently isn't ruled by Sunni clerics according to Sharia law, and you haven't been put in orange coveralls, placed in a cage, and then burned alive, I'm pretty sure the terrorists haven't won.

Civil liberties in the US are in good shape overall. You don't know what you are talking about.

Comment Re:Who will take credit first? (Score 5, Informative) 277

Who will take credit first? I expect in the morning the conservative talking heads on radio and TV will trip over each other to be the first to take credit for Stewart's departure.

Who will take "credit"? Try "none of them." The very idea is absurd. Who is it that you think had a running campaign to try to get Stewart removed ... from another network .... from a highly rated show? I can't imagine what would fill your head with such a bizzare idea.

Considering how much he - the admitted source of fake news - has made them look like buffoons routinely over the years, they likely won't mourn him much.

Stewar made pretty much everybody look like a buffoon at some point, including Democrats and President Obama. (I'm sure you have no recollection of his treatment of the entire Democratic party of South Carolina after the Alvin Green debacle - Alvin Greene Wins South Carolina Primary) The problem with Stewart is he isn't all that even handed.

Submission + - Social Media And Epidemiology: Craigslist And HIV Rates (

cold fjord writes: The Economist reports, "Nowadays, a naughty encounter is but a click away, thanks to smartphone apps ... and listings websites such as Craigslist. But with convenience comes less happy consequences, as a paper just published in MIS Quarterly suggests. Jason Chan of the University of Minnesota and Anindya Ghose of New York University have looked specifically at what effects a local Craigslist site has on its state's rates of reported HIV cases. ... Drs Chan and Ghose looked at HIV rates in 33 states between 1999 and 2008 ... The arrival of Craigslist, they found, was correlated with an average increase of 15.9% a year in the number of HIV infections compared with what would have been expected had it not been launched ... That held true even after controlling for national and local HIV trends (which were often in decline), the level of urbanisation, and changing rates of people getting tested for the virus."

Comment Re:Shame on them (Score 1) 181

Work for the fascists, become a fascist yourself. There are times where you have to take a stand or become part of the forces of evil.

In order to stand against evil you generally must be able to identify it. You seldom succeed in this since you are generally anti-American and substitute America for evil while either ignoring actual evil or claiming it wouldn't exist if not for America. That isn't a recipe for successful stands against evil. It's almost the opposite.

Comment Re:Shame on them (Score 1) 181

Oh, there is more to it than that. Canning was a vital element of Napoleon's war machine.

Why Napoleon Offered A Prize For Inventing Canned Food

1. Napoleon's Food Preservation Prize (1795)

Napoleon offered 12,000 francs to improve upon the prevailing food preservation methods of the time. Not surprisingly, the purpose was to better feed his army "when an invaded country was not able or inclined to sell or provide food". Fifteen years later, confectioner Nicolas François Appert claimed the prize. He devised a method involving heating, boiling and sealing food in airtight glass jars — the same basic technology still used to can foods.

How many of those cogs of a war machine do you have at the moment? Shouldn't you rid yourself of them for the sake of purity so you don't feel compelled to hold yourself in contempt?

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