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Comment Re:Newsflash: You're in public too (Score 2) 468

It should be easier for a citizen to find the police. They are public servants, and they are there to help us. Right? An app that shows where the nearest police officer is located should even be tax funded, possibly.

Maybe you could explain why 911 isn't going to work but this phone app would?

The "nearest" police officer may not be available to help with your problem since she may be engaged in another issue. Is your plan to bounce from "nearest" police officer to "nearest" police officer until you find one available to go back to where you had an issue to help you? And that is an improvement on calling 911 how?

You're trying to put lipstick on a pig of an idea.

Even though the police are "public servants," that doesn't make you their boss.

Many people on Slashdot put far too much effort in trying to rationalize bad ideas.

Comment Re:One has to wonder (Score 0) 253

I looked for the words "untrue" in your post and didn't see them. That's the real problem, the reports are true, so you have to try to disparage the source.

And no, the Daily Caller isn't "extremist right wing." Forbes is an ordinary news source.

The problem is that you aren't concerned with truth, only political alignment.

Comment Re:One has to wonder (Score 2, Insightful) 253

Comment Re:One has to wonder (Score 0, Troll) 253

you idiot.

they didn't falsely attack private citizens.
they weren't an attack tool of the DNC.
they ddnt lie to congress.

the entire IRS "scandal" was manufactured from whole cloth.

There seems to be a very large gap between your understanding of events and the facts. Here is a modest start for you.

IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election

The IRS Scandal, Day 623

Ex-IRS official Lois Lerner reportedly pleaded with her supervisor not to deeply inquire about whether the IRS had unfairly targeted Tea Party and conservative groups for tax-exempt status just ahead of the 2012 presidential election, according to new emails obtained by a government watchdog group.

Joseph H. Grant, former Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division deputy director, was specifically asked by Lerner to refrain from visiting the tax agency's Cincinnati office and keep from asking specific questions related to any Congressional inquiries, according to emails obtained by Judicial Watch through a Freedom of Information Act Lawsuit.

Lerner wanted to work for Obama activist group

Lois Lerner talked about working for Obama’s group Organizing for Action while she had official oversight over it

Comment Re:One has to wonder (Score 0, Troll) 253

I was wondering how long it would take before the slashdot conservative majority brought out that conspiracy conjecture again.

So, you're here to "correct the record" and explain why the IRS really didn't do it even though they admitted it? Clueless and hopeless.

The question isn't "did they do it," but how much are they covering up and how close does it get to the seats of Democratic party power?

IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election

The IRS Scandal, Day 623

Comment Re:Domestic war (Score 2) 148

There are guerilla wars, insurgencies, or even open warfare, going on across the world by Islamic extremists to impose their view of society, including Iraq, Syria, Yemen, the Phillippines and many other places. What makes you think Europe is immune to this?

16% of French Citizens Support ISIS, Poll Finds

One in six French citizens sympathises with the Islamist militant group ISIS, also known as Islamic State, a poll released this week found.

The poll of European attitudes towards the group, carried out by ICM for Russian news agency Rossiya Segodnya, revealed that 16% of French citizens have a positive opinion of ISIS. This percentage increases among younger respondents, spiking at 27% for those aged 18-24.

Poll reveals 40pc of Muslims want sharia law in UK

Ignorance and denial are a poor basis for public policy, although they are often the fodder for moderation.

Comment Re:Domestic war (Score 0, Troll) 148

Although it is commonly attempted, the use of traffic deaths is a poor metric to determine if a conflict exists. (Fewer Americans died in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor than died in traffic that year, and yet that led the country to war.) There is a portion of Europe's population that rejects integration and aims to replace Europe's civilization even if it takes hundreds of years. This is probably as easy as they will be to contain. Since Europe is heading towards a demographic free fall and it keeps brining in the populations hostile towards European values something is going to change. Either a way will be found to pacify them or remove them, native Europeans will start having larger families, or eventually they will comprise a large enough element of the population that they will be accommodated in some fashion - probably one that grows over time.

Comment Re:Bad idea (Score 1) 385

What makes you think that Airbus will be involved in a criminal investigation by the FBI? Do you have some inside information there?

As I previously documented, Boeing has already been the subject of European espionage. Does the method matter that much to you?

I find it amusing that you don't seem to understand that Airbus, like every other important part of European technical and defense industries, is already a target of Chinese espionage, never mind Russia or Iran. The Chinese have proven very successful and stealing and commercializing secrets from many nations, and may ultimately use them against your country if they haven't already.

Perhaps your experience is different than mine, but I doubt that relying upon hyperbole when evaluating arguments is going to produce a sound outcome. Your fancy is resulting in rubbish.

Comment Re:Sounds about reasonable for once... (Score 0, Troll) 148

The US military isn't "too high strung," isn't "trained to kill everything that moves," and has been used on many occasions to aid the civil authorities in the restoration and maintenance of law and order. A few examples include the use of elements of the US Army 7th Infantry Division, 1st Marine Division in the aftermath of the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles, and the use of elements of the 327th Airborne Battle Group of the 101st Airborne Division in Little Rock to enforce a federal court desegregation order.

The US military seems to be another area in which your comments are highly subject to error. Your exit from the United States will prove more successful if you avoid commenting on it. Perhaps you could take up commenting on the mlitary of the nation in which you now reside?

Comment Re:Domestic war (Score 3, Informative) 148

The Maginot Line was largely successful in repelling direct assault. German forces were forced to go around it in the interests of time.
The meaningful difference between Dien Bien Phu and the nuclear plants is the possibility of rapid response by external forces to assist the garrison, and this time la Légion étrangère would be available for intervention rather than invested, as would the la Gendarmerie nationale.

Multiple zones are needed, including zone de sécurité, zone d'exclusion.

Comment Re:Bad idea (Score 2) 385

I'm sure Airbus cared when the GCHQ snooped on the details of a bidding process and handed over the details to Boeing.

Probably not, since that doesn't appear to be what happened.

Boeing Called A Target Of French Spy Effort

The Boeing Co. was among the targets of a French government plan for a massive spying effort to learn U.S. technological secrets and trade strategies, according to classified documents.

The plan targeted 49 high-tech companies, 24 financial institutions and six U.S. government agencies with important roles in international trade, the French documents show.

The plan focused on research breakthroughs and marketing strategies of leading-edge U.S. aerospace and defense contractors that compete directly with French firms.

The French also sought advance knowledge of the bargaining positions of American negotiators in trade talks involving France. . . .

Among the most coveted U.S. secrets:

-- Research, test results, production engineering and sales strategies for Boeing and McDonnell-Douglas. Both compete against the French-led European conglomerate Airbus Industrie.

Why We Spy on Our Allies - By R. James Woolsey, ... former Director of Central Intelligence

The European Parliament's recent report on Echelon, written by British journalist Duncan Campbell, has sparked angry accusations from continental Europe that U.S. intelligence is stealing advanced technology from European companies so that we can -- get this -- give it to American companies and help them compete. My European friends, get real. True, in a handful of areas European technology surpasses American, but, to say this as gently as I can, the number of such areas is very, very, very small. Most European technology just isn't worth our stealing.

Why, then, have we spied on you? The answer is quite apparent from the Campbell report -- in the discussion of the only two cases in which European companies have allegedly been targets of American secret intelligence collection. Of Thomson-CSF, the report says: "The company was alleged to have bribed members of the Brazilian government selection panel." Of Airbus, it says that we found that "Airbus agents were offering bribes to a Saudi official." These facts are inevitably left out of European press reports.

That's right, my continental friends, we have spied on you because you bribe. Your companies' products are often more costly, less technically advanced or both, than your American competitors'. As a result you bribe a lot. So complicit are your governments that in several European countries bribes still are tax-deductible.

When we have caught you at it, you might be interested, we haven't said a word to the U.S. companies in the competition. Instead we go to the government you're bribing and tell its officials that we don't take kindly to such corruption. They often respond by giving the most meritorious bid (sometimes American, sometimes not) all or part of the contract. This upsets you, and sometimes creates recriminations between your bribers and the other country's bribees, and this occasionally becomes a public scandal. ...

Comment Re:Bad idea (Score 1) 385

If the FBI starts to attack Tor and VPN users, those users are going to fight back. If they are not in the US the FBI might not be able to stop them doing it either.

All this kind of thing does is make the US a more legitimate target for cyber attacks. The NSA and GCHQ are already fair game for hacking because they try to illegally hack you, so it's just self defence.

There isn't any part of you that thought that trying to "hack" or otherwise attack the FBI, NSA, or GCHQ for engaging in law enforcement activity might be a bad idea, is there? And I would also guess you pay no attention to the people that go to jail for overseas hacking?

Do you harbor similar venom towards Russia or China, since they engage in similar actions? Or is all the venom directed at the US/UK/West?

Comment Re:Limited power to change working situation... (Score 4, Informative) 348

Take a 5 minute walk every hour if you can.

If you have standard cubes you could see about having the desk surfaces mounted at standing desk height. Then all you need is an adjustable chair/stool. You might be able to either arrange that outright, or for a future (and probably inevitable) move as companies are fond of swapping people around.

If you have any health issues or concerns you might talk to your doctor to see if a standing desk would help, and if so get a note. A company that wouldn't do it based on preference might be more inclined to accommodate it to address a health issue. (Of course it is better to avoid the issue to begin with.)

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