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Comment Re:Good luck ever seating a jury again! (Score 1) 288

These are funny posts, but if you truly agree with the sentiment behind them that getting out of jury duty is what smart people should do then *YOU* are the reason why we have bad laws and interpretations.

You shouldn't complain about courts making bad decisions if you don't participate. If smart people stopped actively avoiding the tiny bit of civic duty our nation(s) would be in much better directions.

Looking at the vaccination article, think of this as a "herd immunity" situation. You getting your shots makes us all better off.

(rant off)

Comment Cheers to Non Practicing Entitites! (Score 5, Insightful) 135

This is great! The only way these things changing is if the game becomes to costly for the corporations who write the rules. I hope "NPEs" start putting more companies through the wringer.

Sounds harsh but consider this: If I independently created something useful and it blows up like Facebook or Google but infringes on some minor or trivial patent for IBM/MS/Apple/Etc, the fruits of my labor will be taken from me.

God bless the NPEs for taken advantage of the game created by the advantaged.

Comment Re:Why fear terrorists... (Score 1) 689

Let's retry phrasing this for you:

"The thing about the "racists" is that their ideas would never get so much traction if 100% of what they say is false.

Just because people believe in things doesn't make them true. A lot of people believed in a flat earth, 6000 year old earth, various flavors of religion, etc. Are those all true too?

Comment Re:So (Score 1) 244

It's an assault on your brain because the underlying message is "it's okay to devote so much time and energy to something completely devoid of any real meaning." There's also the implication that it's okay to form grossly asymmetric relationships instead of mutual relationships, that there is anything healthy or nurturing about this, like when a person learns all about the personal and romantic life of an actor when that actor doesn't even know that he or she exists. The message is that you should eagerly do such things merely because it's encouraged by the industry that was built around it. If you have any understanding whatsoever, how could you do anything but reject this notion?

I'm not sure that is 100% fair. What percentage of /. would really rail on playing video games, something that is completely devoid of any real meaning. I don't think as many /.'s would be willing to say it has so little meaning (enjoying yourself is a reward). At least artists, musicians, actors, etc are providing benefits to others, where video games are more localized.

And as far as the asymmetrical relationship stuff goes, I'd be willing to guess gossip has been around since society started. Gossip is mostly asymmetrical.

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