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Comment Re:Better get used to it, THQ (Score 3, Interesting) 281

For various reasons, the consoles don't use cheap PC-style DDR RAM.

Because it has to share it between the CPU and GPU, the Xbox 360 uses the high-bandwidth GDDR3, which was very expensive in 2005 when it launched.
Sony being Sony, the PS3 uses high speed XDR RAM, the successor to Rambus' RDRAM, which ended up losing to DDR2 in the PC space. They are basically the only ones using it, so it's very expensive.

Comment Re:Real power? (Score 1) 188

Do you have a source for the CPU ? I never found anything that stated how fast it is and how many cores only that it's an IBM PowerPC chip (which isn't surprising since the Gamecube, Wii and X-Box 360 all use some derivative of that).

As for RAM keep in mind MS and Sony reserve memory for their systems as well, they just don't tell us how much.

We do actually know that. The Xbox 360 reserves 32 MB of its unified 512 MB for the OS and the PS3 reserves 43 MB of RAM and 7 MB of VRAM.

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