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Comment Re:Anybody with more than half a brain (Score 1) 537

There's a difference between multitasking amongst 5 apps and multitasking amongst 5 tasks. Some of my daily work requires at least 4 different windows open (I'm glad I have multiple displays) for one task, and I'd be far less productive without the ability to quickly switch amongst apps (Alt-Tab FTW!).

Comment Re:Bet it doesn't upload anything (Score 1) 174

Sort of. I imagine that using proper de-duplication schemes, the vast majority of the show (including all the audio of the TV show, though ads wouldn't be included [ads could each be stored once and inserted at the proper time, which would also bring a whole lot of data for ad skipping]) can be recorded once, and only parts that are different in different markets (e.g. the logo in the corner) would take up extra space. Nationwide markets (such as anyone on a single satellite provider in most cases) would be incredibly cheap to store for. Local channels would be more expensive, though.

Comment Re:AMD needs some high profile support (Score 1) 252

IIRC, ATI/AMD GPUs tend to perform better on benchmarks (due to higher raw processing power), but fall short on actual graphics performance (due to different architectures) when compared to Nvidia ones. That's why a lot of people wound up with Nvidia graphics cards for gaming and AMD ones for bitcoin mining (back when that was big).

Comment Re:I guess that means... (Score 3, Insightful) 100

It's pretty simple to protect against that on most implementations. Since you mentioned it, let's take Windows as an example.

To protect against rainbow tables on Windows, all we need to do is generate a 16-byte salt at the time of creation of the password and prepend it to the password pre-hashing. Then we store the salt in plaintext right next to the hashed password. Suddenly, a rainbow table is useless unless you happen to have a pre-generated rainbow table for that particular salt (note that you'd have to generate 2^127 times as many rainbow tables for a 50% chance of having a table with that salt).

Not that this protects against any other attacks, but it certainly does mitigate the rainbow table threat.

Comment Re:Winblows, LOL (Score 1) 515

I agree, but only if OP understands both the positives and negatives of using Linux on a daily basis. Unless you're a gamer, anything you absolutely need Windows for can be done in a virtual machine or under WINE (and many games also run pretty well under WINE). I personally use Linux at home for everything, starting in high school all the way through the completion of my university degree, and I've needed WINE for precisely two things: LTSpice (really, nothing else I've been able to find is anywhere near as good) and a few games.

Comment Re:Still thinks Japan is the center of the world (Score 1) 282

Let's have simultaneous worldwide releases. Sounds fantastic to me. But while we're at it, I'd like on-par feature sets in every country. Phone manufacturers are worse about this than game consoles, but the consoles are bad as well. Seriously, why just because I live in the US should I not be able to order a Cricket game? (Similarly, why just because they're not in one of 14 blessed countries should my grandparents' Wii not be able to get online?)

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