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Comment Re:Hope their hull is bulletproof. (Score 1) 80

Do you REALLY think they just drew the name Brownsville out of a hat? And then decided to locate there? WTF? You're talking about it like it's some kind of voluntary choice. Please tell me you're not that stupid.

Look at a map of America. Brownsville is at the southern tip. Being as far south as possible as advantageous for putting satellites into orbit. Why do you think Cape Canaveral is located where it is?

Comment Re:It's geopolitics, not just simple spy flap (Score 1) 219

Ah, OK, so it's not their fault, then. Whew! I thought they might actually have to take responsibility for their actions, but now I see nothing negative can ever be their fault. It's like some sort of mental state that defends itself in the face of contradictory information because the alternative is too horrifying to contemplate...what's that called again? Oh, right, cognitive dissonance.

Comment Re:I found this article to be more informative (Score 1) 219

How's it different? Cameras aren't different than your friends and neighbors voluntarily going to the government to inform on you? Can you honestly see no difference there? Or are you just SO KEEN to say NSA=Gestapo that you will make any mental gyrations necessary to maintain your previously-established mental conclusions?

Comment Re:Is "tyrant" now the opposite of "activist"? (Score 1) 353

It is the elected bodies' responsibility to make the laws. It is the judiciary's job to judge them. A judge who writes laws from the bench is indeed an activist judge, and this is very bad indeed. How do you recall an unelected activist with lifetime tenure? You can't. Homework: describe six cases in which activist judges wrought catastrophe through well-intentioned activism.

Comment Re:Fetishising nature + this is after all a desert (Score 1) 265

Honest question: is it possible for people to have opinions that don't agree with yours? Or is everything that disagrees with you propaganda? Is calling it propaganda a way to relieve yourself of the burden of giving serious consideration to other viewpoints, and perhaps changing your mind once in a while?

Comment Re:Just to get through the misleading stuff: (Score 1) 94

It's to remove inefficiency of government. The EU are all smart people, they can make much better decisions when they are left alone. Just think of how good life will be when the stupid people are removed from the equation and government eliminates negative outcomes from the realm of possibility.

"Referenda are pure gambling. There is no guarantee of a positive outcome, unfortunately."
-- Danish EU advocate Charlotte Antonsen

Comment Just play minecraft instead (Score 1) 138

Minecraft is pretty much a ripoff of Dwarf Fortress, the creator has openly admitted this. But he made it colorful and dumbed it down a lot, so naturally he's rich now. Dwarf Fortress regularly gets negative coverage from game reviewers who offer such sparkling insights as "What the hell is this? It looks like a dot-matrix printer exploded on my screen." So just play Minecraft to get the same experience.

Comment Re:If you can observe it, it is not religion (Score 1) 105

You conveniently ignore the religious aspects of modern left-wing thought in the environmental area. Who are Ghandi and Nelson Mandela but modern-day saints who can do no wrong? Nobody is allowed to ask how Mandela's people invented necklacing because it is heresy.

Be real, real careful about claiming that science supports you and you alone. It has a nasty habit of turning against you. Because it is, you know, evidence-based.

Comment Nobody check this (Score 3, Insightful) 95

These old KGB archives are very inconvenient. They have a lot of damaging information about people who are still in politics, who cooperated in the past. It's not a good thing for the world to remember that the KGB funded the anti-nuclear movement in Europe, or Greenpeace, or Amnesty International. Let's just let this quietly lay. Fortunately, it's all in Russian and translators are a pain in the ass.

Comment Re:more leisure time for humans! (Score 1) 530

Dictatorship is an innate characteristic of communism. I'm not sure how you learned otherwise. It's not like they keep it a secret. Communists are quite proud of the fact.

"You are dictatorial." My dear sirs, you are right, that is just what we are. All the experience the Chinese people have accumulated through several decades teaches us to enforce the people's democratic dictatorship, that is, to deprive the reactionaries of the right to speak and let the people alone have that right.
-- Mao Zedong

Comment Re:Why the Displays? (Score 4, Insightful) 129

Because the pretentious twat reviewer types will savagely treat any monochrome product. Moreover the trendy hipster crowd would never use anything not in full color. It would be a sales disaster. Practical? Who the hell ever got invited to parties for being practical?

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