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Comment Re:That's copyright for you (Score 2) 292

If they are summaries of cases, they probably could be considered creative works and eligible for copyright. However, if they are being used by the courts to decide cases, we would have the odd situation where a private party was writing law... and if they were then considered "law" then probably not eligible for copyright.

Comment Re:The article should use "ridiculous" 0 times. (Score 2) 292

I was wondering... What are these "annotations"?
Are they creative interpretations of the law written by a third party? (probably copyright eligible but odd to have a third party creatively interpreting the law and having that used by the courts)
- Are they "indexes" (as some have stated)? (probably not copyright eligible since no "creative" work done)
- Are they "case law examples"? (probably not copyright eligible since these cases would be a product of the court system and therefore not copyright eligible)

Comment Re:Experts know more than non-experts (Score 1) 112

You want to trust your financial log-ins to Facebook, Google or Microsoft? Hope you keep most of your money stuffed in your mattress, it would certainly be safer there.

Whilst I dont expect that Facebook, Google or Microsoft will deliberately steal money, they certainly wont make it as hard as the banks currently have to.

Beyond this, the possibilities for datamining and targeted advertising is just scary. Roseanne Barr and Margaret Thatcher erotic fan fic scary.

That being said, I'd still not keep money stuffed in a mattress, I'd buy some precious metals and keep them buried in the back yard as metals have the chance to appreciate.

Comment Re:Experts know more than non-experts (Score 0) 112

No, of course not. In fact my bank requires me to remember 4 PINs, 3 passwords and one user ID. How idiotic is that?

For your bank.
That holds your money (or at least your debt). That you will hold responsible for anything that goes wrong.

Not stupid in the slightest.

Having a different PIN/Password for your card, telephone banking and internet banking as well as a second factor of authentication for internet banking transfers compartmentalises different attack vectors so that someone who overhears your telephone pin cant use that to access your netbank.

These measures are in place because if a scammer empties your bank account or tries to buy a flight in Belarus with your credit card, you'll be demanding the bank return YOUR money. As it is the banks responsibility to secure the funds and credit they hold, it is also the banks prerogative (and duty in many cases) to force you to follow effective security protocols even if you dont like it.

You've gone and provided an excellent example of what the summary was talking about. As a non-expert you are not aware (and are likely to go into denial) of the security risks associated with banking. As an expert I'm aware of why those measures are in place.

Comment Re:Still A Good Idea (Score 1) 245

In other words, one now needs two doctors treating each patient, one that knows enough to "grade" the patient, and another one to do the actual treatment.

So two doctors being paid for the same job... The medical-industrial complex approves.

Comment Re:What marketing actually is (Score 1) 54

Marketing by nature is deceptive

Not true.

OK, would it help if we changed that to 99% of marketing is deceptive by nature.

For every marketing campaign that is honest, there are 99 that aren't. I cant even think of a marketing campaign that is global and honest. Every one tries to convey an impression that isn't true. Axe/Lynx deodorants wont make you irresistible to the opposite sex, drinking coke doesn't mean you're doing wacky things with attractive friends, every airline advertises flying as a pleasant experience in half empty cabins, not being crammed into a cigar tube with 300 others a recliner in your face, a kid kicking the back of your seat and some idiot cropdusting rows 34-47 every 20 mintues. Honesty in advertisement is a big problem because the honest truth is that products are not that good.

Would you buy a Mercedes if the ad said "Not much better than a Nissan, but twice the price" or coke if it said "We'll give you Type 2 Diabetes, but you're hooked on sugar anyway"? Of course not, honesty is an pariah for advertisers.

Comment Re:Personally (Score 1) 227

You ask why users break policies.

You will get excuses.

What it will always boil down to is the fact the user thought they could get away with it.

The most common excuse is the blanket "but it stops me from doing my work" and my response is "how". This is where 99% of the "it stops me from working" excuses fail. Most of the time it prevents them from doing things they way they're used to or would like to and its easier to complain than learn something new.

What a lot of people dont get is that many policies are in place to prevent them from doing something stupid and as a sysadmin I've had to attend many meetings where a user has done things their own way and lost data.

But I've seen strict policies that cost companies money and clients for the sake of being perfect.

I worked for a liquidator for about 6 months. I've seen many companies lose everything because they had no or extremely lax policies.

Comment Re:Taxi company (Score 1) 193

Uber doesn't own the cars, and the taxi company owns the cars.

Many taxi companies have owner drivers who drive their own cars. In fact most chauffeur/town car systems are like this. London's minicab system is entirely owner-driver. Are they not taxi companies?

A taxi company is a company I employ to provide a private car to transport me from point A to B. The details of how it does this is inconsequential.

A tech company is a company I employ to provide me with a tech (meaning computer) solution.

This court ruling is a foregone conclusion, but bureaucracy must be served.

Comment Re:Fix It Again Tony (Score 1) 173

As much as I want to lay the blame for this on it being a Chrysler, now Fiat, product it seems that all auto makers are making a mad rush to have these hyper connected cars. My current car has features I couldn't care less about but is still mostly mechanical linkages and not drive by wire

Drive by wire is not inherently bad. A lot of very good cars have DBW now.

The problem is that drive control systems are being connected to entertainment and communications systems that have links to the outside world.

There should be an air gap or at the very least a one way connection (as in the Tx pairs physically cut) between systems that have access to drive/engine controls and systems that have connections to the outside world. Sadly this wont happen until someone actually dies because of it (and even then they'll use every dirty trick in the book to avoid it) because there are too many vested interests (law enforcement, data miners, "services" like onstar) and auto makers are too lazy to do things properly.

Paying extra to keep an old mk IV Supra on the road seems like it's becoming a more attractive prospect every day.

Comment Re:Good thing I used CmdrTaco's info (Score 1) 446

If the hackers get your data, all they have dirt on is a fictional character. This is 21st century, I thought every guy who knows how to use a bank account and a computer would know this shit?

For bonus points, get the credit card in your wife's name.

If she gets suspicious or finds out, start adding small amounts of LSD to her food.

Comment Re:I don't get it.. (Score 1) 446

Why would anyone using a cheaters' hookup site use their real name?


First reason: people aren't that bright, especially people who cheat.

Second reason: people are lazy.

Third reason: its a pay site. You need a CC with a real name and address. There are easy ways around this but see reasons #1 and #2 as to why it's uncommon.

Comment Re:May be for troubleshooting, but alternatives ex (Score 1) 203


It will be somewhat useful for troubleshooting, but Windows 7 has had the Problem Steps Recorder (filename: PSR.EXE) for years now, and Microsoft has offered a screen recording tool since at least 2009 for download via TechNet.


Aryeh Goretsky

The Problem Steps Recorder is a boon to anyone who hates doing doco. One of the best new features of Server 2008.

But the PSR doesn't take videos.

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