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Comment Re:Hmm... (Score 1) 1094

ALL of the cost of goods falls into only two categories: labor, and profit.

And one of those is nothing but a tax on productivity (profits).

Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, a 19th century philosopher who had a great debate with Karl Marx (Proudhon was opposed to centralized state ownership of anything), had some very interesting things to say on the subject of profits and their relation to labor. Even though some of his thought veered into anarchism territory, and later he went off the rails with some anti-semitic comments, his logical arguments about profits and capital are well worth considering.

A lot of what we take for granted about the relationship between capital, profits and labor are really just a construct of an economic philosophy embraced by the oligarchy benefited by it, and which is starting to show its limits in a global market in late-stage capitalism.

Comment Re:Hmm... (Score 1) 1094

But there's this thing called inflation. A dollar is only worth what it will buy. If wages are artificially jacked up then you can expect prices to react as labor costs are passed along. You do realize that someone has to pay those wages and those funds are limited? Only the Federal government gets to legally print money.

But there's this thing called inflation.

Inflation? Really? Such a thing exists, but it has been historically low for some time now. At least since 2008.

"Annual inflation for the 12 months ending in March 2015 was a deflationary -0.07%. Due to rounding the BLS counts this month as -0.1%. This is down slightly (more deflationary) from the 12 months ending in February at -0.03% when the BLS rounded to 0.0%.but slightly less deflationary than January when the BLS also rounded to -0.1%. Note that Annual Inflation has been negative (i.e. deflationary) for three months now primarily due to lower gasoline prices.

The Federal Reserve sets a nominal inflation rate of 2%. Despite the quantitative easing, we haven't seen anything like that. Monetary policy is one of those areas where you can most perceive just how much Economics is a pseudo-science and how many of the so-called "laws" (such as "supply & demand" and it's resultant fiction, "supply-side economics") are just fables you tell working people to make them behave as the value of their labor is artificially degraded.

Comment Re:In other Cinema vs MRAs news... (Score 0) 228

You seem awfully upset at MRAs.

They are embarrassing all men. You should be upset too.

Also realize that I never bring them up until they start to appear in the comments, like maggots on a corpse.

I had to do this once before when a small group of neo-nazis started hanging out at Slashdot. It takes a while, but eventually they run off when they realize that someone will call them out on their bullshit. It's not that hard. You just hold a mirror up before them, and they shrink away.

Comment In other Cinema vs MRAs news... (Score -1, Troll) 228

The world of MRAs is in a new uproar because that boycott of Mad Max they were calling for last week? IT TOTALLY DIDN'T HAPPEN!

Before you go to this story for a good chortle, remember that Dean Esmay is the proprietor of "A Voice for Men" which is considered one of the "serious" and "moderate" MRA forums. There goes my hero. Watch him as he shits on the floor in fury.

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