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Comment Re:Finlandization is moral debasement (Score 1) 138

Historical claims related to the Soviet Union or Russia are often exaggerated or blown out of proportion.

Another example of this phenomena, in addition to the one, which I mentioned in my previous post, - the Tsar Ivan the Terrible executed during his reign of half a century less people than were executed during the St. Bartholomew's Day(!) massacre. Still he is called the Terrible, but not Catherine de' Medici or the King Charles IX.

Comment Re:Finlandization is moral debasement (Score -1) 138

...national suicide really was what the USSR about for its constituent peoples...

The highest number of prisoners in the Soviet Union's GULAG was less than 2 million

In the USA nowadays there are 2.5 million prisoners

Even one political prisoner or an innocent person in prison is too much. But I just wanted to say that USSR's prisons were not like on Star Wars scale, not the largest in the world.

Comment Re:I see it differently... (Score 1) 129

... it is just not realistic to learn another language to be able to support them ...

It is quite common in Europe to speak two or three languages fluently. If there are 2 - 3 engineers who speak 2 - 3 languages fluently then most of the major languages are covered.

By the way, it is often just a stereotype that all people are drunk here or there. Brazil economy grew 2.5% in 2013, it is certainly achieved by hard working people.

Comment Re:I see it differently... (Score 1) 129

Then at least she could avoid blaming a carnival, and concentrate more on her linguistic skills. Or hiring Portuguese speaking engineers instead of non technical interpreters to run a computer system in Brazil.

Many people around the world speak English at different levels. Sometimes it is just Globish or an Airport English. But Brazil is an enormous country where people do speak Portuguese. No way around it.

Comment It is about getting out. (Score 1) 129

Privacy is about getting out. Put on light t-shirt, thin-sole running shoes, light shorts and go with your partner to a park, a stadium, etc.

Or go to a beach for a swim.

Have a meaningful private conversation while running, walking or swimming. Speak in a calm quiet voice, not louder than necessary.

So getting out is good not only for health, but for privacy too. Besides, it is much safer to run together or to walk together.

Comment Could be a 3rd or 4th party (Score 1) 667

There are nowadays portable hi-tech rockets capable to fly to very high altitudes with enormous speed and precision. They are obviously very expensive and out of reach of Ukrainian or DNR military.

How do we know that it was a DNR or Ukrainian rocket? It could also be a portable hi-tech rocket smuggled into Ukraine by a 3rd, or 4th, or even 5th party of this conflict.

Comment Re:Security through legislation is no security at (Score 1) 206 for Russians...

The Russian society is divided in numerous socioeconomic groups, the same as the US or any other society.

These groups have different understanding of security, and completely different interests in general. For some, security means keeping control over their power and billions, for some finding at last a job or starting a modest web-based business.

There are not only Russians, French, Americans, etc., but also socioeconomic groups with very similar interests and aspirations.

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