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Comment Putin wants to clean his image from his FAIL (Score 1) 340

They made a video a few months ago saying that they shot with the cannons not with a missile.
they even went to such lengths as to have a couple of fighters shoot at targets on the ground to make a documentary of sorts.

The aims are double: First and most important is rallying the Russians under Putin's flag and show them that it's all the fault of the Evil NATO. And the second is to try to create an atmosphere of doubt around the investigations giving their loving audience something in the West to delight themselves.

The reason for the first thing is that the whole MH17 issue was seen as a mayor fuck up of Putin's regime, no matter if it were the Russian separatists or the Russian Army themselves who fired the missile: It was an act of utter idiocy and this is something that Putin cannot tolerate. If you start looking like an idiot in front of your own people you may end up in the exile somewhere in the Barbados.

And regarding the second point: Mr Putin has a very eager fan base in the USA and here in Europe. In the USA it's all the teabaggers and conspiracy theorists who will believe anything as long as it makes Obama look bad, no matter what. Most of them believe in the literal intepretation of the Bible anyway.
Here in Europe the fan base is composed of all these "Eurosceptics" parties like UKIP or our dear and beloved Geert Wilders who always has had a warm heart for Mr Putin with his PVV who are making all sort of freakish questions to our Parliament such as a motion to protect peanut butter (Not a fucking joke!). Very interesting that such an incident who would make any nationalistic populist wet his undies hasn't even made Mr Wilders raise a single brow. He has just not even given a signal that the noticed anything... while here in my hometown, Hilversum, it was just last Monday that the examination of the bodies finished and a long funeral caravan went in direction to the towns of the victims. Four of them will remain here.


Comment Re:Ya...Right (Score 1) 285

Well, they have no other choice, with rampant pollution costing them billions.
If it weren't for climate change they would have no choice anyway but to go renewable. And they already are investing a lot in this area.
The Chinese are anything but stupid. And I assume that you agree with that.

And if there is a nice deal to be made, well, then welcome :)

The Chinese have no religious issues with climate change and are currently not leading any jihad against the climate scientists soi that for them it's just perfect, a very nice platform the sell their tech and an opportunity to boost their research and eventually get rid of a mayor problem (pollution of course).

Comment Re: Desparate Microsoft pulls a "Sun Microsystems" (Score 1) 525

The Night of the Living Dead :)

Copyright status

Night of the Living Dead entered the public domain because the original theatrical distributor, the Walter Reade Organization, neglected to place a copyright indication on the prints. In 1968, United States copyright law required a proper notice for a work to maintain a copyright.[120] Image Ten displayed such a notice on the title frames of the film beneath the original title, Night of the Flesh Eaters. The distributor removed the statement when it changed the title.[3][121]

Wikipedia: Night of the Living Dead

Comment Re:Great in the winter .. (Score 1) 148

You can actually join a cooperative (bij sommige energieleveranciers kan je dat doen, ik zeg geen naam omdat ik niet van gratis reclame hou). these are small cooperatives were you buy your part of a turbine and it works more or less as the solar panels.

Anyway, as soon a I can buy a house (next year) I will surely look into panels.

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