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Comment For Goodness Sake, this is Europe (Score 1) 649

Seriously mates, in good old Europe we don't have the slightest problem with creationism. Even the strongest Christian believers and most of the muslim consider this crap as batshit crazy as running naked through the streets with a turnip up your ass and a dayglow pink hat.

Well, there are a few minorities like the streng gereformeerde but these are frowned upon and considered even more asocial as radical muslims are.

And no way they teach their crap even at their own schools: Schools here in the EU have to include a series of matters in their curriculums and here in Holland failure to do do means that the schools are closed. Even failure to reach the standards means that schools can be closed. That we have already seen with the closure of a bunch of Islamic schools a few years ago and the possible closing of a group of evangelic schools right now because of not meeting a minimum of quality requirements.

There was some hype in the UK as these creation-nuts gathered some media attention, but that was actually not the type of attention they would have wanted, specially knowing the British character.

Europe is unfortunately (for these creat-ins) not ripe for Evangelization yet. Better prepared people tried it already (the Vatican started a re-evangelization campaign a few years ago with no visible results).

Comment Re:It's the chemicals.. (Score 1) 240


Film and digital are different media. Each has it's applications.

35mm film for instance is more tolerant to overexposure, you can get a heck of a resolution but a good digital SLR or system camera (with at least APC - size or full-frame) does match this. Film (35mm) has grain and digital sensors noise, you can play with each and each has it's own beauties and drawbacks

But starting at professional sizes such as medium form stuff starts to become less rosy for digital:

a 120mm negative can be published in a magazine without any magnification. And it can be resizes without loss of quality to the size of a huge billboard (and more). But there is even more: The 4x5" format, used in protrait and big format cameras can be magnified to the size of a football staduim.

To know what I'm talking about just check out the billboards at bus stops or public buildings, many times you can perfectly see the tiny hair on the model's arms or face.

This is technically possible with digital, but the cost of producing such a sensor and a camera to equip is it just too high to make it commercially feasible and they are thus only used for scientific and industrial purposes

Given that 120mm is the format used commonly in "serious" fotography now you know what the kids are actually doing in the dark rooms.

Comment Re:It's the chemicals.. (Score 1) 240

It seems that you know a lot about photography, right? The developer is alcaline and it wouldn't do more to you than a stomacache... unless you were using some home made stuff like I do, tastes like shit but its' rather healthy: Vitamin C, soda and coffee (yes it is, check it out). The fixer is concentrated vinegar (actually pure acetic acid). Try getting high with that. The stop bath is mostly the same or a light acidic liquid... but most use Dyhidrogen Oxyde (aka, Water). So much for you chemicals mate.

Comment It's Cyberarmageddon! (Score 1) 100

OMG! It was true, all thys hype about the terrible consequences of Cyber warFare (the camel case is to make it more Cyber). How will civilization cope with this threat? This is inhuman! Publizicing the favourite toppings of completely uninteresting people nobody gives a fuck about... that's gruesome!!!

Comment Perpetual Movement Banana? (Score 1) 396

Well, the big issue with Genetic Miracles is a concept called "Limiting Factors". These limiting factors are Soil, Nutrients (Nitrogen, minerals, etc), Sun, water and temperature.

And there is the Law of Conservation that you need to take into account. Which means that you have to count with tradeoffs for anything extra that you want your plant doing: Is it resistant to a plague? Then it will be less nutritive, or require more water, or be less resistant to cold... or depend on tons of extra chemicals.

The principal issue with food in Africa is not that there aren't any plants that a nutritive enough: There are plenty.

The problems are

Water Supply, Soil scarcity and lack of a logistic network.

The first problem is much more acute in sub-Saharan Africa and is aggravated by wells (yes, wells) which cause saltwater levels to rise.

The second issue, soil is much more insidious as it has several aspects:

The loss of soil due to erosion (HUGE problem, aggravated by industrial agriculture)

and Soil taken away by multinationals to grow cash crops (a large percentage of the available soil actually) and the third, logistiscs is actually the onluy one that can be addressed with relative ease.

So, they are now telling me that they have created a banana that can transport itself, grow without water on salty rock and has a lawyer's degree to defend people against expropriation.

That's a hell of a banana mate!

Comment Re:Change of diet in the Eskimo population? (Score 1) 166

What the hell has that to do with anything that's said in the study?

The study is not about believing shit or not, it's about the INCIDENCE OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES among a given population. The carbs trigger some kind of storage reaction in our bodies that I dont think anyone understands yet.

Yes, it's called the Fucking CREBS CYCLE and it's the nightmare of any highschool student who wants follow a career in biology, medicine or biochemistry.

The fact is that we understand it pretty well (besides some minor details)

But well, what could I possibily say to a guy who things that carbs are some alien super-stuff from outer space.

Good luck with your low carbs diet mate. If you manage to follow it for more than a year without health issues send me a few lines, I'll invite you to no-carbs beer.

Comment Not the first study saying this (Score 1) 166

I read a few acttually.

And it makes all the sense in the world: Ketonic diets have never been found to be healthy.

And even in the case that the Inuit's CAD incidence were lower it still could have been caused by special genetic adaptations to their diet... yet these guys have the same CAD incidence as the rest.

Well, now the best part: Poking fund at the idiots who follow the paleo-diet, bwahahaaaa!!!

Comment Re:Yay. Fitness for dilettantes, info to Google (Score 1) 53

Or !!! if you are a runner (and this one is free no restrictions and an awesome community) Garmin Connect is not bad either and if you are more into community stuff there's Suunto's Moveslink. The advantage of these sites are of course that they are specialized and made for sporters by sporters.

Comment A self induced disability? (Score 1) 625

I fucking love the Danish.

For years on end spamming us with their euroscepticism "we dopnt' want the EU do force us, blah, blah, our taxes, blah, blah" and now they want to make that the EU considers a self inflicted state as a disability costing us millions of EU in taxes if all the overweight start asking for subventions and the companies have to start adapting their locations for the fat.

The obese (with a few exceptions that are not statistically significant) are the way they are because they are lazy and overeat. Sorry, that's how it is. There is no obesity virus, no obesity gene and nobody forces anybody to stuff their faces and use the car even for going to the toilet.

These bastards already costs us a fucking lot extra in medical insurance bill

What's next?, yonkies? Smokers?

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