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Comment Re:Ok (Score 1) 157

That's a good point. And yes, I agree that semver is in no way standard. In fact, I was mainly lazy and picked the first semi thorough reference I could find on the classical versioning number scheme, though to be honest I'd rather just distill it to:

A version number is a tuple of integers of decreasing significance separatade by a dot. Whenever one of the integers is incremented by one, the subsequent ones are reset to 0 or removed.

Other shenanigans (such as -rcX) varies between projects, and is usually easy enough to figure out from context.

Comment Re:DPL, the ultimate sticklers (Score 1) 159

/ Glad I've always preferred Slackware. No games, no GNU/purism, no corporate BS. Just a rock-solid distro that stays true to its roots.

That's cool. How about it if Volkerding had to spend all his time addressing bogus bug reports caused by fucked up packages people found on

Debian doesn't have a problem with unofficial sources. Heck, they don't even have a problem with broken packages. They only have a problem with having to spend time resolving bugs that turn out not to be theirs. If it was obvious that dmo wasn't an official repo, there wouldn't be a problem. That's exactly what the name change is trying to address.

Comment Re:DPL, the ultimate sticklers (Score 1) 159

The problem essentially boils down to people reporting bugs in dmo-packages directly to debian itself. Sometimes in obscure ways so that it takes time to identify the mistake. This puts an unneeded burden on debian developers, when it's reports for software that's out of their control.

All debian wants here is to not take the blame for, and spend unneeded work on resolving issues coming from broken dmo-packages. The risk of that happening decreases if 'debian' in not in the name. One of the bug reports linked in the DPL's post pretty much directly states that since the URL had "debian" in its name, the user thought it was an official debian repo.

Comment Re:Yeah... (Score 1) 1105

They are far less likely to put a farmer on that says that climate change might be happening but he doesn't believe humans are the cause.

Why would they ask a farmer that? He/she is not very likely to know. It makes more sense to ask... you know, scientists... which is what the TFA is about.
Should we as a car mechanic about medical advice and a lawyer about network topology as well?

Comment Re:Here's a thought... (Score 2) 157

A bunch of citations in Wikipedia's section about it.


We observed no safety advantage to hands-free as compared with hand-held telephones. This finding was not explained by imbalances in the subjects' age, education, socioeconomic status, or other demographic characteristics. Nor can it be explained by suggesting that those with units that leave the hands free do more driving. One possibility is that motor vehicle collisions result from a driver's limitations with regard to attention rather than dexterity. Regardless of the explanation, our data do not support the policy followed in some countries of restricting hand-held cellular telephones but not those that leave the hands free.

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