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Comment Re:Creators wishing to control their creations... (Score 1) 268

Yet I don't. Nobody makes me pay for the FM radios stations, and I change to another when the commercials come on. Same goes to TV when they play movies. I don't pay a dime and I leave for the kitchen or use the computer when ad's come on.

Therefore I meet the requirements of "dirty rotten pirate"

Comment Re:America, land of the free... (Score 1) 720

If you are applying to a place that has an HR person, you already lost. HR people have zero clue about IT and what is needed to be a good hire for IT.

Apply to places that the IT manager does the hiring so it's somewhat competent. Yes this eliminates major corporations, and that is a good thing.

Comment Re:Are they really that scared? (Score 1) 461

all battery tech outside of Lead acid has too low of a life span. I can get 100,000 charge cycles on Lead acid batteries with the right care. you can not get past 500-1000 on Li-Ion based tech. They literally destroy themselves a little bit every time they are charged. There are battery storage systems out there that are well over 10 years old and a charge cycle performed daily on them that are still going strong. You cant do that with Lithium Ion based batteries.

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