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Comment Re:Awesome (Score 5, Interesting) 710

You can see non gimicky 3D right now: Prometheus. Say what you will about the film, the 3D is not a gimmick, and greatly enhances the experience. I felt like I was looking at real person when Charlie was looking in the mirror and saw the thing in his eye. Creepy as fuck. The cesarian was also creepy as fuck in 3D as well, not because of in your face effects, but because you really felt as if you were right there looking at real people. That's the future of 3D: subtle enhancement.

Comment Re:That's *it* for me and Blizzard, man!! (Score 2, Insightful) 540

You joke, but being able to cheat was why I loved Diablo 2. It's so terrible and boring to level and grind for good gear, so to make it much more bearable I would use a trainer to give my character what they needed. This made the game much more interesting since I could skip all the grinding and just find out which types of characters would be fun to play, and which skills and skill combinations would be effective on Hell difficulty. I saw no reason to waste my time grinding, when that's not what I enjoyed. I wasn't harming anybody else, as this was all on open battle.net or Single Player.

This is also why I did not buy D3 - it's forcing me to grind for levels and gear, or worse, BUY gear. No thanks.

Comment Re:Not Just Saverin (Score 1) 716

Utilizing 'loopholes' in the law is not evading taxes. You wouldn't pay full price when something is on sale, so why should someone have to pay more than the law allows? As long as you are within the letter of the law, there is no problem, and it's not unpatriotic. Renouncing your citizenship, and turning your back on the country that made your business possible, THAT is something else entirely, and is most definitely unpatriotic.

Comment Re:Hybrid system (Score 2) 607

That doesn't change the fact, that when you shoot in 24fps, your shutter speed is 1/48 sec. If you were to shoot in 48fps, your shutter speed will be 1/96 sec. A faster shutter speed eliminates motion blur and creates a sharper image, and so merely dropping every other frame is going to result in different video. You'd have 24fps video shot with a 1/96 shutter, as opposed to 24fps video shot with a 1/48 shutter. To see the effect a higher shutter speed has, look at the opening of saving private ryan, or some of the fight scenes in gladiator. You can tell when the effect hits: everything will look very crisp and appear to strobe. This would be the opposite of what you want.

Comment Re:Uh (Score 5, Informative) 607

And your opinion can be safely ignored. Did you know that in conventional 24 fps film projectors, the shutter displays each frame twice? Do you know why? Because 24hz would produce flicker! Old films which ran at 16fps flickered, because when projected they were being displayed at 32hz. The concept of refresh rate certainly applies to even conventional cinema. You could construct a projector to display every frame 6 times, for 120hz (which is what those new Tvs do), or you could display each one once and have everybody's eyes explode.

Just because it is shot at 24fps, does not mean it has to be displayed at 24hz.

Comment Re:Quote from article (Score 1) 650

The MPAA is not going to become useless like the RIAA has, because you will still always need distribution to theatres. There's no difference between a CD you buy in a record store, versus one you download: it's still being played on your iPod or stereo. No film you buy is going to be shown in a theatre. People still like going out to the movies. As such, the MPAA is never going to disappear, since its member studios are one of the only ways to get wide theatrical distribution. Self distribution on any significant scale is just not possible, even with digital technology.

Comment Re:Monetizing... what would Hollywood know? (Score 1) 288

"there's generally no payout on the DVD to anyone on the creative side of actually making the movie."

This isn't true. A portion of all DVD sales (and rentals) go into union pensions as per union deals. Actors and producers usually always take a cut as well. Granted this is significantly less than payouts from theatrical releases, but there are costs involved with DVD releases.

The next time you think you aren't hurting the little guys when you pirate a DVD instead of buy or rent, just know that because of your choice less money goes into their pensions.

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